Author Topic: The Tricky Ethics of Knightscope's Crime-Fighting Robots  (Read 381 times)

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The Tricky Ethics of Knightscope's Crime-Fighting Robots
« on: December 25, 2017, 07:58:14 pm »
The Tricky Ethics of Knightscope's Crime-Fighting Robots

In November, the San Francisco SPCA deployed a 5-foot-tall, 400-pound robot to patrol its campus. Not for muscle, mind you, but for surveillance. The SPCA, a large complex nestled in the northeast corner of the city's Mission neighborhood, has long dealt with vandalism, break-ins, and discarded needles in its surrounding parking lots. Fearing for the safety of its staff, the SPCA figured the robot could work as a deterrent, a sort of deputy for its human security team.


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Re: The Tricky Ethics of Knightscope's Crime-Fighting Robots
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2017, 02:05:34 am »
How is deterring homeless from squatting on your property “tricky” ethics?
