Author Topic: Education and the Leftist Creed  (Read 310 times)

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Education and the Leftist Creed
« on: December 24, 2017, 11:11:32 am »
December 24, 2017
Education and the Leftist Creed
By H. Sachs

I was touched recently by what a young man visiting my office told me. He attends a Catholic high school in the area. I asked him how Christian prayer plays a role in his school day. He told me that there is a formal prayer to the beginning of each class. It was not only a prayer for the beginning of each school day, but prayer for the beginning of each of the several classes throughout the day. So, he said, algebra starts with giving thanks to God for their ability to study, their school, and teacher. It is repeated next period at the start of English, on and on through the day. Amazing, I thought, how beautiful, how enriching and elevated, that such words come from the mouths of some of our American young regularly through the day. We know or should know as we experience more in life that expressing regular gratitude is a key element for happiness. We know that regular ritual changes the mindset. Such prayer is also a key way we transmit culture to our young -- not only religious culture but American. We are, as we should recall, “One nation under God.” America is a country with a secular government but a religious people.

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