Author Topic: Friendly Reminder: Democratic Senator Misled Her State On Tax Reform—And Still Hasn’t Apologized For  (Read 352 times)

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Friendly Reminder: Democratic Senator Misled Her State On Tax Reform—And Still Hasn’t Apologized For It
Matt Vespa

Posted: Dec 21, 2017 1:05 PM

Tax reform is done. It’s about to be law. It’s the largest revamp in three decades, but not a single Democrat voted for it. Not even Democrats from states that Trump won by wide margins. It’s a big gamble for both sides. If it doesn’t produce the economic results the GOP has been pushing, they’re sunk. If it does maintain economic growth, and any patriotic American should hope so (we’re booming at four percent right now), then Democrats have to explain why they voted against the middle class, working families, more money in Americans’ pockets, and just overall relief. Why are you against economic growth? It’s a perfect storm to wreck the Democrats and cast them for what they are: a tax and spend party. One of those who could have been a “yea” vote was North Dakota Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp. She only won her 2012 senate race by 2,994 votes and Trump won her state with 63 percent of the vote in 2016. You’d think she’d be more receptive to this tax plan. Nope. The president did try to bring her into the fold in September. At the time, Heitkamp said she was “curious” about the bill. By the end of November, there was no headway whatsoever: