Author Topic: Why do my muscles feel sore after exercise?  (Read 323 times)

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Why do my muscles feel sore after exercise?
« on: December 19, 2017, 07:54:05 pm »
Why do my muscles feel sore after exercise?
Published 3 hours ago
By Yella Hewings-Martin PhD   
Fact checked by Jasmin Collier   

Whether you are cramming in some last-minute exercise before the holidays or trying a new workout, beware of aching muscles. But why does your body feel so sore, and what can you do to speed up recovery?
Delayed onset muscle soreness can hit some people particularly hard.

Have you decided to make a start on your New Year's resolution and take up exercise now? Or maybe you're looking at stepping up your usual routine ahead of the inevitable excesses of the holidays? The chances are that your muscles will pay the price.