Author Topic: Peer-Reviewed studies, historical data reject claims California wildfires are due to man-made climat  (Read 293 times)

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Peer-Reviewed studies, historical data reject claims California wildfires are due to man-made climate change

By: Marc Morano - Climate DepotDecember 10, 2017 3:39 PM with 0 comments

Climate Depot Analysis

Once again, the media and climate activists are blaming wildfires on man-made “global warming.” See: California governor blames devastating wildfires on climate change and says deadly winter infernos will be ‘the new normal’

Gov. Brown is even mixing religion into his odd scientific brew: See: From The Hill story: California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) says President Trump’s stance on climate change demonstrates that he does not appear to fear the “wrath of God” or have any regard for the “existential consequences” of his environmental policies. Brown: “I don’t think President Trump has a fear of the Lord, the fear of the wrath of God, which leads one to more humility … this is such a reckless disregard for the truth and for the existential consequences that can be unleashed,” Brown said in an interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” (Note: Brown was echoing the film Ghostbusters: Dr Ray Stantz: “What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.” See:
‘The dead rising from the grave!’ Global warming claims imitate scene from 1984 comedy ‘Ghostbusters’ – ‘A disaster of biblical proportions…real wrath of God type stuff’)

Wildfire Reality Check: