Author Topic: Media Climate Alarmism Has Become “Primitive”… “Intellectually Subterranean”, German Scientists Say  (Read 311 times)

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Media Climate Alarmism Has Become “Primitive”… “Intellectually Subterranean”, German Scientists Say

By P Gosselin on 5. December 2017
Recent SRF German public broadcasting commentary on climate change have reached a new low in quality and new high in activism, two respected German scientists say.

By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt
(Text translated/edited by P Gosselin)

“Climate-alarm propaganda day”

November 29, 2017, was once again a climate alarm propaganda day in the German public television and radio stations of SRF (Süddeutsche Rundfunk). But it was even more shocking to see the primitive level of argumentation used there to fan fear among the public. For example this video clip here, designed to refute climate skeptics, unfortunately in fact represents an intellectually subterannean SRF alarmism theater, which uses arguments as a “hammer against skeptics”.