Author Topic: Donald John Trump as Marcus Licinius Crassus  (Read 256 times)

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Offline endicom

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Donald John Trump as Marcus Licinius Crassus
« on: December 05, 2017, 02:12:07 pm »
American Thinker
Richard Rail
Dec. 5, 2017

It's ironic.  What unites the left and the #NeverTrumps in arrogance is wealth.  In his life as a New York City developer, Donald Trump has created more rich kids than possibly anybody in the history of the world, but these spurn him as too common for their fastidious tastes.

One is reminded of Marcus Crassus, the richest man in Rome.  Scorned by the bien pensants and taste-makers of the day, Crassus ultimately saved the empire by defeating Spartacus and his army of liberated slaves.  Crassus never got any gratitude from the wealthy backbiters he thus saved, but he was what Rome needed at that moment in history.


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Re: Donald John Trump as Marcus Licinius Crassus
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2017, 02:12:56 pm »
The first paragraph overstates the case but he otherwise makes a good point.