Author Topic: Mueller and his cabal of villainous knaves  (Read 246 times)

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Mueller and his cabal of villainous knaves
« on: December 05, 2017, 11:14:47 am »
December 5, 2017
Mueller and his cabal of villainous knaves
By Patricia McCarthy

By now it should be clear to every sentient American that the Mueller "investigation" is not an investigation at all.  It is, as President Trump and others have noted, a witch hunt.  As surely as the witch trials that began in 1692 were driven by hatred and hysteria, this one, too, is driven by hatred, intolerance and fear.  The progressive left still refuses to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and has been trying to undo it by any means necessary.  The "collusion with Russia" meme was and remains a non-starter so now the real motive for Mueller's appointment as special counsel is evident for all to see.  It was always to find a way to remove Trump from office.  Mueller and his gang of thugs, like Andrew Weissmann,  are the left's version of mobsters: cross them and you will pay.  The beltway establishment cannot, and will not, abide an outsider in their midst.

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