Author Topic: British Labor Party: We Banned Pamela Geller; Now Let's Ban Trump, Too  (Read 353 times)

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December 2, 2017
British Labor Party: We Banned Pamela Geller; Now Let's Ban Trump, Too
By Pamela Geller

The Guardian reported Thursday that "Chris Bryant, a senior Labour backbencher," has written to British prime minister Theresa May, urging her to "issue an official ban on Donald Trump from entering the UK on the grounds he is condoning fascism and his presence is 'not conducive to the public good.'"

When Western historians look back at the 21st century, the Geller-Spencer ban in the U.K. will be viewed as one of that once great nation's darkest moments and a low point for freedom.  It was the victory of Islamic law over Western law, sharia over freedom.

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