Alright, but it is academic in the context of the preacher's comments - He was simply responding to the accusation with the supposition that Moore was looking for a virgin bride - A comment quite in line with his old fashioned courting... That the preacher did not mention the state of Moore's virginity is quite beside the point, and I don't know why you feel slighted that it wasn't included in a straightforward answer to the allegation.
I am in utter agreement with your statement - My own path has shown me why a better way is required. But that does not answer why you are so adamant that this particular preacher did not, at that particular time, go off on a statement with that in regard.
And it is a question I have posed myself, in the positive. There are no records, nor any stories, nor even rumors of Moore's participation in any sort of actual sexual relationship. Judging by my own path, if he were a rowdy, those stories would be there. Not to mention if he were a pervert.
Just for the record,
@roamer_1 ....... I don't feel "slighted" in the least. This is not now, nor ever has been about me. Nor is it about you or any of the other menfolk who are adamantly defending Moore here.
This is about bringing up an aspect of the debate that is being overlooked by those defending this pastor's unfortunate reference to the "purity" of teenagers in a discussion of a man over thirty in a position of power.
There is nothing "straightforward" in defending trolling for teenaged girls in malls and at recitals by saying he was just looking for "purity."
If an honest discussion is to be had about this expectation, then the glaring double standard of a Christian's not expecting purity from a man while demanding it of a woman, needed to be mentioned.
So I mentioned it. ^-^