FTA: "Flight controls and instrumentation in the U-2 I sat in seemed antiquated compared to more modern aircraft like the F-22 and F-35. Recall that the first U-2, designed by the famous Kelly Johnson of the Lockheed Skunkworks, was flown in 1955, so these are all old aircraft."
Nope, not accurate at all.
All but a handful of the aircraft were built in the 80s. We're still flying a few 60s era birds as well.
All the aircraft went through an upgrade/modernization (P/EMI RAMP) effort a while back and are fitted with "glass" cockpits, similar to the F22 and F35. On average, the aircraft are only about 20-30% through their expected lifespan of 80,000 flight hours.
LM was recently tasked by the DoD and Congress to present further modernization and upgrade efforts needed to cover another 10 years of flying at least. To include mission systems (ISR) upgrades and capabilities.