Author Topic: Franklin Graham: Moore Critics Are 'Guilty of Doing Much Worse'  (Read 300 times)

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Franklin Graham: Moore Critics Are 'Guilty of Doing Much Worse'
« on: November 18, 2017, 07:16:27 pm »
By John Ellis

Remind me to never leave my underage daughter in the care of Franklin Graham. In a mind-
numbingly ill-conceived tweet, Graham defended Roy Moore by claiming that those calling for him to
step down are guilty of worse acts than the crimes that Moore is accused of committing . . .

. . . Those allegations and the subsequent calls for Roy Moore to step out of the Alabama Senate race
are what prompted Franklin Graham to tweet, "The hypocrisy of Washington has no bounds. So many
denouncing Roy Moore when they are guilty of doing much worse than what he has been accused of
supposedly doing. Shame on those hypocrites."

I get the "stand by your man" thing, but there's a line between defending someone's constitutional
right to be considered innocent until proven guilty and belittling the charges against that person. I'm
not exactly sure which "hypocrites" Graham has in mind, but I find it hard to believe that they've done
worse things than sexually assaulting underage girls. I mean, there's a point when certain crimes are
so atrocious as to render comparisons to other atrocious crimes meaningless to the point of causing
the one making the accusations to appear to be downplaying atrocious crimes . . .

. . . If Franklin Graham believes that the accusations of sexually assaulting underage girls are so trite
as to be handled dismissively in a tweet that is basically saying, "Well, at least he didn't do that," then
Graham does not have the maturity nor discernment necessary to watch over underage girls. Likewise,
if Graham believes that accusations of sexual assault on underage girls make a good platform to score
cheap political points, then Graham does not have the requisite maturity nor discernment necessary
to be considered a religious leader.

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Re: Franklin Graham: Moore Critics Are 'Guilty of Doing Much Worse'
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2017, 07:58:40 pm »
 I  don’t know If Roy Moore  has done the things he’s accused of but some of the defenses of him from some his supporters has been mind boggling
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Re: Franklin Graham: Moore Critics Are 'Guilty of Doing Much Worse'
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2017, 08:06:25 pm »
I  don’t know If Roy Moore  has done the things he’s accused of but some of the defenses of him from some his supporters has been mind boggling
Exactly. (You notice the article writer emphasised "accused.") A lot of his supporters
would have called for the other side's candidates accused of similar grotesqueries to
be run out of town and into the nearest calaboose merely over having been accused.
You really hate to think there's such a thing as the good guys being allowed to get
away with what we'd demand the bad guys answer for.

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Re: Franklin Graham: Moore Critics Are 'Guilty of Doing Much Worse'
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2017, 10:31:34 pm »
Well if the author wants to get all moralistic, Graham's in good company with Jesus, not casting the first stone and all that.

Otherwise - what a steaming pile of sophistry. Unsupported allegations by questionable accusers, taken at their word by unscrupulous hacks completely fake in their sincerity, simply wanting to get an opponents chess piece off the table.

People who have indeed done as bad or worse, but think they are unaccountable because they are the Holy Elightened Ones. Yet they go around like catty Jr. High cheerleaders spouting baseless gossip from concocted stories, smearing people with the highest minded self-righteousness and moral superiority. They don't care if it's true, just as long as everyone else does.
The Republic is lost.