Author Topic: Linda Moulton Howe Interview of Naval Officer--Brian--Antarctica--11 NOV 2017 Phenomenon Radio youtube channel  (Read 2635 times)

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Linda Moulton Howe interviews Brian “S” Linda received an email from a now 61-year-old Navy officer who was in Antarctica – his C130 crew encountered high strangeness from 1984/85 to 1987. Several times he and the crew all watched silver discs darting around the sky. He said he saw an entrance to a human/ET collaboration base. Brian was told by his superiors that, “you did not see…”.

Phenomenon Radio is a show concept blending one of the most high-profile experiencers with an Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist to bring the most up to date and late-breaking news and interviews to create a unique live weekly broadcast that delves into the UAP/UFO phenomenon like never before. With over 60 years of experience between them, John and Linda will combine their efforts in a monthly series format that focuses on specific levels of the Phenomenon that cannot be properly covered in a single 2-hour program. This show researches thought-provoking breakthroughs in the field of UAP/UFOs, to discover fascinating truths through first-hand accounts with investigative insights into the expanding confluence of physical and mental exposure to this worldwide phenomenon.

I think this is another iteration--an incremental additional disclosure of some of the details of such events. I think it's worth a listen to all interested in such topics.

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 10:19:03 pm by Quix »
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Offline Victoria33

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"Several times he and the crew all watched silver discs darting around the sky. He said he saw an entrance to a human/ET collaboration base. Brian was told by his superiors that, “you did not see…”."

This Brian is now 61, plus there was a crew who supposedly saw this.  The crew never told anyone?  I don't believe that.  People will talk, they can't help telling something like this.

Offline Quix

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"Several times he and the crew all watched silver discs darting around the sky. He said he saw an entrance to a human/ET collaboration base. Brian was told by his superiors that, “you did not see…”."

This Brian is now 61, plus there was a crew who supposedly saw this.  The crew never told anyone?  I don't believe that.  People will talk, they can't help telling something like this.

People may tell a best friend. A spouse.

Such sharing may never be known outside of such dyads.

However, some WILL tell NOone. Some just take their commitment to ordered secrecy extremely seriously.

Certainly there are average behavioral frequencies. Group averages, as you likely know, are much more knowable than predicting individual behavior.

Individual behavior can be very difficult to predict--particularly with limited direct observations and measurements.

Some individuals are greatly more concerned about punishment than others.

Some individuals are greatly more determined to "do the patriotic thing according to the officials."

« Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 06:18:57 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Victoria33

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I added to my first post about this.  Here is my first post again:

"Several times he and the crew all watched silver discs darting around the sky. He said he saw an entrance to a human/ET collaboration base. Brian was told by his superiors that, “you did not see…”."

This Brian is now 61, never said a thing all these years, plus there was a crew who supposedly saw this.  The crew never told anyone?  I don't believe that.  People will talk, they can't help telling something like this. 

Below is what I added:

I do not believe that happened for the following reason:

"He said he saw an entrance to a human/ET collaboration base."

This is the south pole not Florida.  The north and south pole ice pact does not support life.

My son spent three months on the northern ice pack headed to the north pole.
From Greenland, a helicopter took him and two ice explorer groups and dumped them there.
Son was recreating the race to the south pole by Amundsen and Scott.  He could not make the film at the south pole as sled dogs are not allowed there now.

NASA made a suit for son to wear – he also wears that suit when he makes films in Siberia – his last film in Siberia was earlier this year, following a reindeer nomad group. 

I have asked him how logical it is for a huge base to be under the ice – it isn’t.  At a pole there is nothing but deep ice, nothing else but white ice as far as one can see.  People many years ago could not live in this area to dig a deep hole in ice for an air base. 

Consider this fact:  When a man urinates on the south or north pole ice pact, he has a few seconds to get his penis covered sufficiently that it doesn’t freeze.  In these cases, there are layers of insulation over the penis in a suit which has two zippers.  Some men urinate, then, in  haste, do not zip one of the layers and the penis freezes.  In two films he made on the ice pact, each time one man in each group did not zip one of the two layers and, each time, a helicopter had to come and get the man and take him to a hospital for the frozen part to be removed from the penis.  Before son takes men to the ice, he has them watch a film about protecting the penis, but some will still not take the time to protect their penis.

I used the penis problem to show one does not go to a pole and start digging a hole in a deep ice pact to have a large base for planes under the ice.  Even a penis is not safe on the north/south pole.   Machines would freeze up while digging in ice.  Son’s camera is protected a certain way and he has taught that system to other camera men wanting to film on ice.

Son has been on the northern ice pact three times but the three month trip was the longest time.  They had a doctor who is an ice explorer with them so when frost bite might happen, he could treat it or if it was too bad, call for the helicopter to come get the person.  He immediately called the helicopter when one of the men froze part of his penis.  This doc stayed with Wayne to keep him out of trouble on the ice as there are splits in the ice one can’t see until one steps in one and it could be many feet in depth;  so far one could not be pulled out; the total white deceives the eyes.

Son wanted a certain shot and moved to get that, and dropped into a crack; the doc grabbed him and pulled him out so he wouldn’t continue to go down the hole.  Son would not drop the camera, either – he would not let it fall into the hole. 

An interesting fact:  Son says when one is on the ice pact and seeing nothing but white for months, when they were in the helicopter coming back, the first sight of color overwhelmed the brain – the brain had to adjust to seeing color again.

I do not believe there is a huge air base under solid ice from many years ago, and I don’t believe that since a penis freezes in seconds – that is death.  Long ago there would not be ways to keep from freezing while trying to dig a hole in solid ice.  Hands and other parts of the body trying to dig a huge hole in ice would also freeze causing death plus I have already said machines from years ago would not operate in those temperatures.

Right now at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, it is -38 degrees.  It is 12 degrees right now at the north pole, and snowing.

"South Pole
The ice is estimated to be about 9,000 ft. thick (1.7 miles) at the Pole, so the land surface under the ice sheet is actually near sea level.

During the southern winter (March–September), the South Pole receives no sunlight at all, and from May 11 to August 1, between extended periods of twilight, it is completely dark (apart from moonlight). In the summer (September–March), the sun is continuously above the horizon and appears to move in a counter-clockwise circle. However, it is always low in the sky, reaching a maximum of 23.5° in December. Much of the sunlight that does reach the surface is reflected by the white snow. This lack of warmth from the sun, combined with the high altitude (about 2,800 metres (9,200 ft)), means that the South Pole has one of the coldest climates on Earth… Temperatures at the South Pole are much lower than at the North Pole, primarily because the South Pole is located at altitude in the middle of a continental land mass, while the North Pole is at sea level in the middle of an ocean, which acts as a reservoir of heat.

In midsummer, as the sun reaches its maximum elevation of about 23.5 degrees, high temperatures at the South Pole in January average at −15 °F.  As the six-month "day" wears on and the sun gets lower, temperatures drop as well: they reach −49 °F around sunset (late March) and sunrise (late September). In midwinter, the average temperature remains steady at around −58 °C −72 °F. The highest temperature ever recorded at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station was -9.9 °F on Christmas Day, 2011, and the lowest was −117.0 °F on June 23, 1982 (for comparison, the lowest temperature directly recorded anywhere on earth was −128.6 °F at Vostok Station on July 21, 1983, though −135.8 °F was measured indirectly by satellite in East Antarctica between Dome A and Dome F in August 2010."

It is easy to say there is a big air base under the ice because we can't go there to find out and one can say the government won't tell us.  Pick a place one can't go to and make up whatever story you want about that place.  Use a time warp as your location and say whatever you want that is in there, say, like aliens from outer space.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 09:41:05 pm by Victoria33 »

Offline Quix

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Dear Heart @Victoria33,

As usual, you make many reasonable points and present them quite logically and well.

As you likely know . . . as George Kelley noted in his role construct theory . . . we are all 'scientists' perceiving 'reality' and forming hypotheses and testing them to whatever degree however well or poorly by additional observations of 'reality.'

You are likely in the top 0.000001%? in doing so well.

Though none of us are flawless in such matters. We all have biases etc.

Kelley observed/found that if our construct system is too narrow and rigid, that doesn't correlate well with life fulfillment and success. Similarly, if our construct system is tooo loose, that can get crazy and dysfunctional fast.

Some functional balance seems to work best.

I do think that your construct system is likely slightly more rigid and narrow than mine in such matters.

I think I take in a far wider range of data from a far wider range of sources and types of sources than you typically do.

I think I also tend to give much more of the benefit of the doubt to far more sources and hypotheses, narratives, anecdotal stories than you typically do.

Reflecting on the near 71 years of my doing so--I think I'm comfortable with my hit rate. I think it's gotten far better. I was far too gullible in the earlier decades.

Though, even in those years, I hypothesized that many more narratives, assertions, etc. would prove far more true than the average person ever imagined. In case after case, that has often proven true--not always--but often. Sometimes maybe 50/50. Close associates have tended to claim that my hit rate is more like 80% or higher. I don't know. Haven't kept stats on such. I just know that I've been right a lot more than many associates ever imagined I'd be.

I think I've been most right about summaries of predicted trends--politics, the oligarchy, education as an institution, media, governmental involvement in movies, etc. etc. etc. Sometimes, I've ended up more right than I thought I'd be.

It has been far harder to be mostly accurate about a given individual in specific terms. In general terms, the Clintons, Kissinger, Soros, Rockefellers, et al have been quite predictable because their goals were written down many decades ago and they have merely been walking them out while spreading disinformation etc. far and wide.

However, a fairly unknown person can be harder to predict--unless one knows their values, passions etc.

Certainly in terms of the cold in Anarctica--you are, of course quite right. It IS extremely cold there with very destructive effects on living things.

Though, frankly, your well reasoned narrative has no explanation for why the Pope's emissary, The Russian Orthodox leader; Buzz Aldrin, John Kerry . . . and some insist Obama made evidently quite important treks to Antarctica within weeks of each other.

Nor does it explain Buzz Aldrin's shocked assertion: "It's pure evil." ... that he did not elaborate on and which was quickly shoved under the rug.

However, I think there are larger possibilities that you have excluded as improbable to impossible.

In that regard, I believe that the whole planet is full of unknowns and mostly unknowns.

In some respects, I have felt for decades that the Biblical descriptions of the END TIMES indicated to me that there would come a time when "the very 'fabric of reality' would be shaken to the point of being wholesale altered--to the point of not being able to 'stuff it back in the box' of 'normalcy.'

'Men's hearts failing them for fear;' 'All that can be shaken will be shaken;' 'sky rolled back like a scroll;' 'stars' falling; 'powers that be' will be shaken, altered, removed; etc. etc.

imho, I've long felt that our whole perception of reality would be rattled to the core, to the foundation, to our bone marrow. And ONLY those rooted and grounded in Christ; covered in His Blood, would survive at all--particularly with their sanity intact.

It turns out that advances in physics, various black projects etc. etc. etc. have afforded many strong 'hints' that reality is NOT as we were taught in school. Some even go so outrageously far as to contend that it is all a vast holographic simulation on 'God's computer.' I think they are wrong but they have their evidence and logic to support their hypothesis.

I also believe that we do NOT know what the earth was like BEFORE it was "FORMLESS AND VOID" in Genesis 1. It is conceivable that God could have engineered an extensive series of iterations of life and social structures over countless millennia.

However, HIS priorities for us are sufficiently covered in His Word and the narrative began in Genesis 1. We do not need to concern ourselves with other stuff before Genesis 1 etc. IN ORDER TO have a viable eternal relationship with  God Yehovah through Yeshua, our Lord and Savior.

Certainly satan has been busy engineering hoaxes, charades etc. for end times acts of the Grand Play ever since he was slapped hard for rebelling against God.

imho, there are probably half a dozen to a dozen ways around the problems of cold as you present them. Most are likely technological that most of us would have a hard time conceiving of, certainly of believing. Others might be supernatural/spiritual in terms of fallen angels using their powers in various ways etc. etc.

There are evidently DIMENSIONAL transit technologies that demonstrate a lot of things most observers would easily equate with supernatural/magic stuff.

There are many things that use extremely compact super energy dense technologies that can bore through solid granite quickly and easily; that can provide unlimited light and other forms of energy for whatever uses.

There are encapsulating technologies--whether in domes or spheres or boxes or whatever--wherein with the bounded containers exists a VERY different reality that is NOT limited by stuff outside said box, dome, sphere. Such containers can evidently be constructed under the sea, inside solid granite mountains, in space etc. etc. Light, heat, etc. are no problems at all within such containers.

I will agree that it is extremely difficult to impossible to know what specifics of such narratives as are in the OP--what specifics of all that are absolutely true. I'm quite comfortable waiting to see what falls off the shelf as proven--in due course.

I'm also given by habit to expecting a lot more such things to end up mostly proven--than you appear to be. Time will tell which of us has been the best at predicting such things. So far, I'm comfortable with my track record in such regards.

The one thing I don't know of anyone being good at--least of all me--is TIMING. Who knows WHEN such things will be proven/disproven.

Billy Graham used to think that the Rapture certainly couldn't be delayed past 1975. And now, he's almost 100 years old himself.

Yet, we are a lot closer to it than then! LOL.

I do NOT think that the wide breadth of personal anecdotal narratives about "high strangeness" are all 100% false. Not by a long shot.

I am actually inclined to believe that the huge deeply buried pyramid in Alaska is likely real.

I believe a lot of the Antarctica high strangeness is also likely to be true to mostly true.

imho, there are just too many sources saying similar things adding confirming pieces of the puzzle for there to be 0.0% to it all.

I do know that when I contemplated putting in for Navy Radioman duty in Antarctica--one HAD to have a TOP SECRET clearance etc. etc. I have heard from actors on the scene that a lot of secret stuff goes on in Antarctica. That fact alone is quite curious to a continent supposedly harboring only scientific research.

I also believe that a lot of the Admiral Byrd narrative must be true to mostly true. There have been too many different sources leaking parts of that story. Evidently the Russians recently released some more info about it--affirming major portions of it.

If the Adm Byrd stuff is even 30-50% true, that would MORE than sufficiently indicate the possibilities presented in the OP are quite plausible.

The fallen angels/critters/ET's alone will be altering our reality wholesale toward the Biblical END TIMES script. There are incremental indications every so many weeks to months of another step or 3 of additional revelations/disclosures.

Time will certainly tell.

In the mean time . . . I love reading your responses. I'm blessed and honored to call you a Friend and Sister in Christ.



I added to my first post about this.  Here is my first post again:

"Several times he and the crew all watched silver discs darting around the sky. He said he saw an entrance to a human/ET collaboration base. Brian was told by his superiors that, “you did not see…”."

This Brian is now 61, never said a thing all these years, plus there was a crew who supposedly saw this.  The crew never told anyone?  I don't believe that.  People will talk, they can't help telling something like this. 

Below is what I added:

I do not believe that happened for the following reason:

"He said he saw an entrance to a human/ET collaboration base."

This is the south pole not Florida.  The north and south pole ice pact does not support life.

My son spent three months on the northern ice pack headed to the north pole.
From Greenland, a helicopter took him and two ice explorer groups and dumped them there.
Son was recreating the race to the south pole by Amundsen and Scott.  He could not make the film at the south pole as sled dogs are not allowed there now.

NASA made a suit for son to wear – he also wears that suit when he makes films in Siberia – his last film in Siberia was earlier this year, following a reindeer nomad group. 

I have asked him how logical it is for a huge base to be under the ice – it isn’t.  At a pole there is nothing but deep ice, nothing else but white ice as far as one can see.  People many years ago could not live in this area to dig a deep hole in ice for an air base. 

Consider this fact:  When a man urinates on the south or north pole ice pact, he has a few seconds to get his penis covered sufficiently that it doesn’t freeze.  In these cases, there are layers of insulation over the penis in a suit which has two zippers.  Some men urinate, then, in  haste, do not zip one of the layers and the penis freezes.  In two films he made on the ice pact, each time one man in each group did not zip one of the two layers and, each time, a helicopter had to come and get the man and take him to a hospital for the frozen part to be removed from the penis.  Before son takes men to the ice, he has them watch a film about protecting the penis, but some will still not take the time to protect their penis.

I used the penis problem to show one does not go to a pole and start digging a hole in a deep ice pact to have a large base for planes under the ice.  Even a penis is not safe on the north/south pole.   Machines would freeze up while digging in ice.  Son’s camera is protected a certain way and he has taught that system to other camera men wanting to film on ice.

Son has been on the northern ice pact three times but the three month trip was the longest time.  They had a doctor who is an ice explorer with them so when frost bite might happen, he could treat it or if it was too bad, call for the helicopter to come get the person.  He immediately called the helicopter when one of the men froze part of his penis.  This doc stayed with Wayne to keep him out of trouble on the ice as there are splits in the ice one can’t see until one steps in one and it could be many feet in depth;  so far one could not be pulled out; the total white deceives the eyes.

Son wanted a certain shot and moved to get that, and dropped into a crack; the doc grabbed him and pulled him out so he wouldn’t continue to go down the hole.  Son would not drop the camera, either – he would not let it fall into the hole. 

An interesting fact:  Son says when one is on the ice pact and seeing nothing but white for months, when they were in the helicopter coming back, the first sight of color overwhelmed the brain – the brain had to adjust to seeing color again.

I do not believe there is a huge air base under solid ice from many years ago, and I don’t believe that since a penis freezes in seconds – that is death.  Long ago there would not be ways to keep from freezing while trying to dig a hole in solid ice.  Hands and other parts of the body trying to dig a huge hole in ice would also freeze causing death plus I have already said machines from years ago would not operate in those temperatures.

Right now at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, it is -38 degrees.  It is 12 degrees right now at the north pole, and snowing.

"South Pole
The ice is estimated to be about 9,000 ft. thick (1.7 miles) at the Pole, so the land surface under the ice sheet is actually near sea level.

During the southern winter (March–September), the South Pole receives no sunlight at all, and from May 11 to August 1, between extended periods of twilight, it is completely dark (apart from moonlight). In the summer (September–March), the sun is continuously above the horizon and appears to move in a counter-clockwise circle. However, it is always low in the sky, reaching a maximum of 23.5° in December. Much of the sunlight that does reach the surface is reflected by the white snow. This lack of warmth from the sun, combined with the high altitude (about 2,800 metres (9,200 ft)), means that the South Pole has one of the coldest climates on Earth… Temperatures at the South Pole are much lower than at the North Pole, primarily because the South Pole is located at altitude in the middle of a continental land mass, while the North Pole is at sea level in the middle of an ocean, which acts as a reservoir of heat.

In midsummer, as the sun reaches its maximum elevation of about 23.5 degrees, high temperatures at the South Pole in January average at −15 °F.  As the six-month "day" wears on and the sun gets lower, temperatures drop as well: they reach −49 °F around sunset (late March) and sunrise (late September). In midwinter, the average temperature remains steady at around −58 °C −72 °F. The highest temperature ever recorded at the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station was -9.9 °F on Christmas Day, 2011, and the lowest was −117.0 °F on June 23, 1982 (for comparison, the lowest temperature directly recorded anywhere on earth was −128.6 °F at Vostok Station on July 21, 1983, though −135.8 °F was measured indirectly by satellite in East Antarctica between Dome A and Dome F in August 2010."

It is easy to say there is a big air base under the ice because we can't go there to find out and one can say the government won't tell us.  Pick a place one can't go to and make up whatever story you want about that place.  Use a time warp as your location and say whatever you want that is in there, say, like aliens from outer space.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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"Anonymjous--We Know What The US Government Found In Antarctica"


A good audio.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Antarctica part STARTS ABOUT MINUTE 9:00

A lot before that is preliminary blather and bits on other topics.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/