Author Topic: As Europe Demonstrates, Uncontrolled Mass Migration Is Expensive  (Read 271 times)

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As Europe Demonstrates, Uncontrolled Mass Migration Is Expensive
« on: November 11, 2017, 09:11:01 pm »
As Europe Demonstrates, Uncontrolled Mass Migration Is Expensive

Posted by Matt O'Brien | Nov 9, 2017 | Society | 4 |

There’s an ongoing debate about how much mass migration costs the United States. The open-borders lobby claims that all migrants are a net economic boon. Proponents of this position typically rely on complex economic concepts – like “gross domestic product” and “public goods” – to show that immigrants inject wealth into U.S. communities.

Mathematically, however, the case advanced by the economic obfuscators simply doesn’t add up. Most illegal aliens pay few, if any, taxes. And the low-skilled legal immigrants that the U.S. is currently attracting typically earn low wages. Therefore they pay low taxes.  Meanwhile, both groups consume government services at a much higher rate than U.S. citizens. If you receive benefits but don’t pay for them, someone else has to make up the difference. In this case, it’s the American public.