Author Topic: What’s in Our Schools?  (Read 250 times)

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What’s in Our Schools?
« on: November 11, 2017, 01:03:02 pm »
   What’s in Our Schools?
November 7, 2017/in Education, Policy, Politics /by Karen Schoen

While everyone focuses on college, let’s focus on the real problem, K-12. Every coup d’etat has roots in school.  The progressive/communist/globalists/socialist (POGS) agenda calls for rewriting history.  The children must be indoctrinated. The children must be coerced. The children must be trained to give up individual choice. They must think the same, get the same grades and have the same future outcome.  One problem… if everyone is the same, what makes individuals different?  The only identifier left is visual. RACE becomes the tool of choice. Children trained in social justice (which is Anti-American) become racist adults, dividing people into groups demanding results from those groups.