Author Topic: The Congressional Black Caucus: Purveyors of Black Urban Decline  (Read 276 times)

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The Congressional Black Caucus: Purveyors of Black Urban Decline
« on: November 04, 2017, 10:02:58 am »
The Congressional Black Caucus: Purveyors of Black Urban Decline
Sheriff David Clarke (Ret.)
Posted: Nov 03, 2017 12:01 AM

America’s urban communities need a reformation. So why do they keep electing Democrats whose progressive policies hold them hostage on the plantation of liberal ideology?

Every week a prominent Democrat is in the news labeling their opposition as racist as if it is some sort of sport. Do you support school choice that helps struggling black parents endgenerational poverty? Racist. Call out black crime rates that disproportionately claim black victims? Racist. Criticize the welfare state that keeps black people hooked on government handouts? Racist. Are you a Republican? Automatic racist. And if you’re a black conservative like I am, it’s even worse.