Trolls here spend a lot of time personally attacking me...
when they should be addressing this post. This is why
Americans are NOT supporting the GOP tax plan because
it robs lower and middle income taxpayers to give tax cuts
to the rich.
If people have not been replying to that post, even though you say they would if they were good little posters, it might be because they aren't buying the contents. Your reposting it with great big giant letters probably won't get you any better response. Maybe if you had colored them Purple....
You never answered
my post, by the way. The one where I asked you if you believe your tax liability would decrease if we really socked it to the "rich" by taxing them 90% for all their income (not just marginal). You also refused to answer my question "What do you understand the term 'Tax Expenditure' to mean?" I asked that one on another thread, when your very first post on the forum was denouncing "Tax cuts for the rich."
Ignoring people goes both ways, and you're pretty darned good at it yourself.