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Feminism and the Decline of America
« on: October 24, 2017, 01:28:09 pm »
Feminism and the Decline of America

by Christopher DeGroot

October 20, 2017

Ninety-seven years after being granted the right to vote, women now threaten the stability—indeed the very possibility—of the democratic experiment itself. Consider, for example, Michelle Obama’s recent cant about women “voting against their own voice.” For her, voting women are all one side: against men, of whom President Trump, the terrible patriarch, is the representative. The former first lady’s point of view echoes that of a previous one: the tragicomic Hillary Clinton, who, like a vampire, will never go away, alas.

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Offline goatprairie

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Re: Feminism and the Decline of America
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2017, 06:44:44 pm »
The feminist fascists of the sixties initiated a destructive trend in America that remains to this day....blame white men for all their and everybody else's problems.
And the myth of the need for the feminist movement of the sixties  is still strong today as well.
The fact is they weren't needed.  The real feminist movement had started more than a decade before they, the fascist feminists,  began their vicious anti-male and anti-America campaigns in the late sixties and early seventies.
Basically, when female high school graduates started attending colleges and universities in large numbers in the post-WW II years, the feminist movement moved into high gear.
Those female college grads reflected an evergrowing trend of females seeking freedom and growth outside of the traditional stay at home mothers. To be sure, many women were already in the workforce as I was to discover when I started working full-time in the early seventies. The office where I worked had many women who had full-time jobs and not as secretaries.  Although there were some of those as well. Most of those women were twenty or more years older than I was.
All the destructive attacks on the family, country, and men never had to happen for women to gain more rights and economic power.  It would have happened without the Steinems, Friedans, and all the other feminist icons who in reality were destroyers of America.

Offline Sanguine

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Re: Feminism and the Decline of America
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2017, 06:52:33 pm »
The feminist fascists of the sixties initiated a destructive trend in America that remains to this day....blame white men for all their and everybody else's problems.
And the myth of the need for the feminist movement of the sixties  is still strong today as well.
The fact is they weren't needed.  The real feminist movement had started more than a decade before they, the fascist feminists,  began their vicious anti-male and anti-America campaigns in the late sixties and early seventies.
Basically, when female high school graduates started attending colleges and universities in large numbers in the post-WW II years, the feminist movement moved into high gear.
Those female college grads reflected an evergrowing trend of females seeking freedom and growth outside of the traditional stay at home mothers. To be sure, many women were already in the workforce as I was to discover when I started working full-time in the early seventies. The office where I worked had many women who had full-time jobs and not as secretaries.  Although there were some of those as well. Most of those women were twenty or more years older than I was.
All the destructive attacks on the family, country, and men never had to happen for women to gain more rights and economic power.  It would have happened without the Steinems, Friedans, and all the other feminist icons who in reality were destroyers of America.

I'm glad you made the distinction: "feminist fascists".  I had a very different experience in the 70's than you did. There absolutely was a need for some reform, but not the reform that the feminist fascists or communists sought.

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Re: Feminism and the Decline of America
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2017, 05:15:32 pm »
I'm glad you made the distinction: "feminist fascists".  I had a very different experience in the 70's than you did. There absolutely was a need for some reform, but not the reform that the feminist fascists or communists sought.
My point is: reform would have happened without them.  They were the flies on top of the elephant thinking they were leading the parade.
Women had been making big inroads into previous all male territory more than a decade before they arrived.  The numbers of females entering college in the fifties preceded  and forecast the gains that would be made by women a decade and more later.
We, the country, certainly didn't need a bunch of anti-male/anti-America harridans who tried to poison the male-female relationships and tell all females they were victims.
Steinem and the rest of that ilk are villainesses not heroes.

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Re: Feminism and the Decline of America
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2017, 05:24:53 pm »
24. Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society.

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Re: Feminism and the Decline of America
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2017, 05:46:57 pm »
24. Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society.

No, it really wasn't.

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Re: Feminism and the Decline of America
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2017, 05:59:37 pm »
Feminism, Only Black Lives Matter, and all these other liberal shock groups are just the latest twist out of the old Marxist playbook - find a bogeyman, agitate, leverage manufactured minority 'oppression' into a dominant societal position, and Viva la Revolucion!

We are today the most equal society in history. They are not the least bit interested in equality.
The Republic is lost.

Offline goatprairie

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Re: Feminism and the Decline of America
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2017, 06:59:43 pm »
There's a lot of people who believe that throughout history a single individual or a few individuals were responsible for major changes. And without those individuals doing those wonderful things, those wonderful things wouldn't have happened.
For instance, there are still many people who believe if Jackie Robinson hadn't been successful in playing baseball, there would still be no blacks in major league ball.
The fact is, the time was right for Robinson.  He deserves much credit for going through what he went through, but it would have happened without him.  In fact, later Robinson's rookie season, the Cleveland Indians Larry Doby became the first black player in the American League. In short, Robinson was the tip of the iceberg.  An avalanche of black ballplayers followed. Because it was inevitable.
The same thing holds true for the feminist movement. Many people firmly believe that if all sixties radical feminists hadn't agitated, women would still be chained in the kitchen having large broods of children and no hope for life outside the home.
The facts are the time was right, and women had been moving into the workforce for decades before the radical feminists came along.  It all would have happened without them, the radical feminists.
And to be sure, their anti-American, anti-male actions poisoned the atmosphere for many decades lasting to today.