Author Topic: Conservative groups get behind Bannon revolt against Republican establishment  (Read 232 times)

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Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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Tea party groups and other prominent grass-roots conservative operations say they are on board with Stephen K. Bannon’s crusade to oust the entire slate of incumbent Republicans because the former White House political strategist is tapping into the same anti-establishment mood they have been sensing for a while.
The groups say they are active in every election but expect 2018 to be a banner year for ousting incumbent Republicans. They say their base is outraged that, despite having control of both the House and Senate, Republicans have yet to notch major conservative wins.
Mr. Bannon, who is now back running the right-wing Breitbart website, isn’t calling the shots for the movement, according to the groups. But the former Trump adviser is on to something.
“We’re going to be extraordinarily active,” said David Bozell, head of For America. “Some establishment guys, it’s not going to necessarily take a conservative movement upheaval to defeat them. You’re going to see a lot of folks stay home because of lack of results.”
Mr. Bannon left the White House this summer after the arrival of John F. Kelly as chief of staff. He returned to Breitbart.
He is also affiliated with Great America Political Action Committee, which in recent days has endorsed a Republican challenger to Sen. Jeff Flake, Arizona Republican. Mr. Flake announced Tuesday that he plans to retire rather than seek re-election — one week after Mr. Bannon endorsed his anticipated challenger, former state Sen. Kelli Ward.
Bannon is hitting the right nerve here.

As an example how out-of-touch GOPe is, from article is this quote from McConnell:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, said the right-wing challenges aren’t helpful to his job of stocking the Senate with Republicans.
“The goal here is to win elections in November. "

No, Mitch.  The goal is to support the agenda of the American people, not just stock up the Senate with your buddies to sip cocktails with.
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington