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REPORT: Nigerien Villagers Set Up US Soldiers For ISIS Ambush


REPORT: Nigerien Villagers Set Up US Soldiers For ISIS Ambush

Saagar Enjeti
10:18 AM 10/24/2017

U.S. soldiers ambushed by Islamic State militants near the Nigerien-Malian border Oct. 4 were likely set up by an ISIS sympathetic village, NBC News reports.

Villagers reportedly sought to delay the departure of U.S. soldiers from a meeting while ISIS militants set their trap. After leaving the meeting, the 12-man U.S. team and accompanying Nigerien security forces were ambushed by a ISIS forces equipped with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades. During the hours-long engagement Sgt. La David Johnson, a U.S. soldier on the mission, was separated from his unit and declared missing, three others were dead, and two were wounded. Five Nigerien security forces were also killed during the operation


I guess someone has to ask, why are we in Niger in the first place?  It wasn't listed in the original authorization to use force and I don't recall Obama going to Congress for permission.

Ghost Bear:

--- Quote from: AbaraXas on October 24, 2017, 02:45:57 pm ---I guess someone has to ask, why are we in Nigeria in the first place?  It wasn't listed in the original authorization to use force and I don't recall Obama going to Congress for permission.

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Congress was repeatedly informed that US forces were in Niger

From the article:

--- Quote ---Additionally, the White House sent a letter to Congress in June saying 645 U.S. service members were in Niger and 300 were in Cameroon, and Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, head of Africa Command testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee in March there were “approximately 1,000 personnel conducting 12 named operations across a nine-nation region.”

In March, the Senate Armed Services Committee held a hearing where Graham was present along with other members of the committee, when all were informed that U.S. forces were deployed in Benin, Chad, Niger and Nigeria.

--- End quote ---

So, it appears that someone is lying about their lack of knowledge about US troop operations in Niger.


--- Quote from: AbaraXas on October 24, 2017, 02:45:57 pm ---I guess someone has to ask, why are we in Niger in the first place?  It wasn't listed in the original authorization to use force and I don't recall Obama going to Congress for permission.

--- End quote ---

There was also an article or two on Niger and uranium, they seem to have an abundance of it in an otherwise largely desolate country; yellow cake uranium.

That is one thing this forum may need, keywords, then someone could type in say, "Niger" or "uranium" and get right to the articles. Plenty in the news.


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