Author Topic: Progressive Reporter Torches Media's Russian Collusion Coverage: They're Reckless And No One Gets Punished  (Read 360 times)

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Matt Vespa
Oct. 20, 2017

Glenn Greenwald is not a conservative. We’ve written about him before, but he’s also not afraid to call out his own side. He noted that the Obama administration was equally terrible about press freedom. While his site, The Intercept, is set up as an investigative reporting outlet that also serves as a safe space, for lack of a better term, for people to leak information about government malfeasance, Greenwald noted that there’s a difference between that and leaking information to hobble an administration you don’t like. I’m not giving the man a pat on the back, but there’s a difference between Edward Snowden leaking information about how the government monitors certain digital communications and activities that could be constitutionally questionable and giving transcripts of a call between Trump and the prime minister of Australia that puts him in a negative light. The latter has no legal questions and is just politically motivated nonsense. And Greenwald notes that such activity within the intelligence community that are not constrained by the courts, or any other constitutional mechanism, can run amok by leaking information because they’re sour over an election result. He said it’s a recipe for the destruction of our democracy (we’re really a constitutional federal republic).
