Author Topic: FBI Confirms That Comey Drafted Statement On Clinton Probe Months Before Investigation Ended  (Read 332 times)

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Chuck Ross
3:55 PM 10/16/2017


The FBI released emails Monday confirming that former FBI Director James Comey drafted statements regarding the Hillary Clinton email investigation months before the probe was closed.

The bureau released a file entitled “Drafts of Director Comey’s July 5, 2016 Statement Regarding Email Server Investigation,” to its Freedom of Information Act website. The file contains an email Comey sent May 2, 2016, to several FBI officials regarding the Clinton email probe, which was referred to internally by the codename “Midyear Exam.”

The draft statement was first revealed in late August by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, two members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
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