Author Topic: U.S. Navy Shows Off Might In South Korea As North Threatens Guam Once Again  (Read 334 times)

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Offline DemolitionMan

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Some of the most powerful vessels in the U.S. Navy's arsenal are descending on South Korea for port visits before executing large scale naval drills with the Republic of South Korea Navy. This includes the arrival of the Ohio class nuclear guided missile submarine USS Michigan today and the Los Angeles class nuclear fast attack submarine USS Tucson just days ago. The supercarrier USS Ronald Reagan will arrive at the port of Busan next week along with her escorts. Unsurprisingly, North Korea is very unhappy about the naval buildup and has once again threatened a missile launch towards Guam before the drills commence. North Korea's threat to demonstrate a nuclear capable ballistic barrage near the U.S. territory of Guam is nothing new. This summer, as rhetoric between the U.S. and North Korea hit a crescendo, Pyongyang made the same threat, but after Kim Jong Un reviewed the plan, he supposedly decided to "wait and see" how events progress before executing the provocative launch.
"Of Arms and Man I Sing"-The Aenid written by Virgil-Virgil commenced his epic story of Aeneas and the founding of Rome with the words: Arma virumque cano--"Of arms and man I sing.Aeneas receives full treatment in Roman mythology, most extensively in Virgil's Aeneid, where he is an ancestor of Romulus and Remus. He became the first true hero of Rome