Twitter is not the news.
One of the topics I have debated for over a decade now is the tendency of people to draw artificial boundaries where none in fact exist. People want to put stuff into categories, such as "Chemistry" or "Physics" and treat them as if they are separate, when in fact there is no real boundary between the one thing and another.
We compartmentalize because it's mental short hand for juggling so many things in our lives.
You say "Twitter" is not "News", and in one sense you are right, but the scope of this discussion should not be limited to just "news", because this issue touches on a whole host of related issues, like "freedom of the press", which is not specifically about "news" either.
Twitter is a massive corporation that has monopoly control on a system of communication that is heavily influential in the United States. Facebook is another such entity, and Google is another, and the "news" services are others as well.
The common denominator is that they are big, powerful, liberal, and they control the flow of information to censor conservative speech and opinions as well as news stories they see as damaging to liberals.
There is really no conservative "competition" for any of these behemoths, and the nature of monopoly is such that they can effectively prevent any from ever arising.
I regard this situation as a dire threat to the nation and our future, and I believe this existing system needs to be broken in such a way that it can't freeze out dissenting opinions.