Author Topic: The Congressional Black Caucus Prayer Breakfast: The Great Black Deception  (Read 328 times)

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October 11, 2017
The Congressional Black Caucus Prayer Breakfast: The Great Black Deception
By Lloyd Marcus

Flipping through my TV channels, I stumbled upon the 2017 Congressional Black Caucus Annual Prayer Breakfast on the Word Network; the world's largest black religious channel. This year's theme was, "And Still I Rise".

Folks, I thought, "Oh my gosh, these people have no shame." This breakfast was all about exploiting black's Christian heritage to deceive them for the purpose of furthering Leftists' anti-Christian agenda. Every musical performance praised Jesus. Leftists despise Jesus, aggressively seeking to ban the God of Christianity from the public square. Several of the all-Democrat speakers quoted the Bible to strengthen their political deceptions. The truth is, quoting the Bible is as repulsive to Leftists as showing Dracula the cross.