Author Topic: (LEAD) Two B-1B bombers hold firing drill against N. Korea: military  (Read 299 times)

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Offline DemolitionMan

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Two B-1B strategic bombers of the U.S. Air Force trained with South Korea's fighter jets over and near the peninsula earlier this week in yet another show of force against North Korea, defense authorities here said Wednesday.

The bombers from Guam entered the Korean Air Defense Identification Zone (KADIZ) at around 8:50 p.m. on Tuesday, according to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).

They staged a simulated air-to-ground missile firing drill with two F-15K fighters over the East Sea and flew across the peninsula, it said.

The B-1Bs and the F-15Ks then had another round of a firing exercise over the Yellow Sea. The bombers flew out of the KADIZ at around 11:30 p.m., added the JCS.It was part of a "regular deployment training" aimed at enhancing the capability of implementing the "extended deterrence" against the North, the JCS said.

"Through the practice this time, South Korean and U.S. air forces showed off the allies' resolve for strong retaliation against North Korea's nuclear and missile threats," it said.

Late last month, the U.S. flew B-1Bs over international waters close to the North's east coast
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