General Category > Immigration/Border

California’s Sanctuary Stunt Gets Brutal Reality Check by Feds


California’s Sanctuary Stunt Gets Brutal Reality Check by Feds
By Andrew West October 7, 2017

The ultraliberal state of California has pulled some rather ridiculous stunts in the past, but their “sanctuary state” legislation might be their most farcical yet.

As President Donald Trump stormed into office in January, promising to restore law and order to our nation’s immigration policies, leftists the nation over bemoaned the common sense approach as somehow racist.  Mind you, the President wasn’t suggesting that illegal aliens were inferior human beings or inherently evil in any way; the President was merely stating the obvious regarding their legal situation.

If only the ICE would focus their concentrated efforts in California for one full year they'd likely turn CA back into a swing state.


--- Quote from: skeeter on October 08, 2017, 02:08:34 pm ---If only the ICE would focus their concentrated efforts in California for one full year they'd likely turn CA back into a swing state.

--- End quote ---
I don't have any problem with that, but you realize of course that it would simply accelerate the process already underway of Texas being the new number one illegal immigration destination?


--- Quote from: GtHawk on October 08, 2017, 06:08:34 pm ---I don't have any problem with that, but you realize of course that it would simply accelerate the process already underway of Texas being the new number one illegal immigration destination?

--- End quote ---

Texas is still able to handle its own problems, all it has to do is get mad enough.

California is in the process of voluntarily and quite happily self immolating. It has no desire whatsoever to douse itself.


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