General Category > Immigration/Border

U.S.-Mexico border wall prototype could transform illegal immigration


U.S.-Mexico border wall prototype could transform illegal immigration

A new prototype for the southern border wall between the United States and Mexico -- a campaign platform that Donald Trump often touted during the 2016 presidential election -- could transform illegal immigration into America.

Consisting of a welded-wire mesh fence, the new wall could stop nearly all illegal entry from Mexico, Border Walls Builder LLC manager Don Cameron told FOX Business’ Charles Payne on “Making Money with Charles Payne.”

"U.S.-Mexico border wall prototype could transform illegal immigration"

Of course it would.
It would pretty much stop 90-95+% of it in its tracks, at least on the southern border.

And this is why the democrat-communists and lefty Republicans (some right on this forum) are so opposed to it.

Because -- it would work.


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