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West Point Launches Investigation over Its Handling of Communist Soldier


West Point Launches Investigation over Its Handling of Communist Soldier

by Kristina Wong5 Oct 2017204

West Point is launching an investigation into how it handled the case of a former student who graduated last year despite the school being alerted by a faculty member of his angry, anti-military, and pro-communist sentiments in 2015.

Is this hand wringing over the hand wringing or are they thinking they might have better off listening to the professor?

then again, Obama wouldn't have taken kindly to them tossing a communist.

Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: driftdiver on October 06, 2017, 02:55:48 pm ---Is this hand wringing over the hand wringing or are they thinking they might have better off listening to the professor?

then again, Obama wouldn't have taken kindly to them tossing a communist.

--- End quote ---

I think it's all the above, especially the Obama protecting a commie part.  West Point has got some explaining to do, so they're going to drag their feet and s***-can everything they're able. Meanwhile the Army's going to do everything they can to keep his commission, for the same reason.Rubio intends to make this hard on them, and he should.  It's not just good policy, it's good politics for his state.


--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on October 06, 2017, 05:33:58 pm ---   West Point has got some explaining to do, so they're going to drag their feet and s***-can everything they're able. 

--- End quote ---

This comes at an especially bad time, when military budgets have been cut and they are looking for more money from congress.  This is good extortion material for congress.  Whomever was the head of the Academy at that point should head for the showers - with career over.


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