Author Topic: 10 Nazi SUPER WEAPONS that could've WON WW2  (Read 585 times)

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Offline DemolitionMan

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10 Nazi SUPER WEAPONS that could've WON WW2
« on: September 29, 2017, 09:54:24 pm »
➢ 10. Jet Interceptors
In response to the British Gloster Meteor jet fighter, the Germans started developing advanced jet fighters such as the Super Lorin, Ta 283 & Henschel Hs 132.
➢ 9. Superguns
Nazis planned on creating 50 so-called V-3 cannons which at over 150 meters in length, were to be built in two huge underground bunkers.
➢ 8. VTOL Planes
Decades before the British Harrier Jet, the Nazis were developing vertical take-off and landing aircraft such as the Focke-Achgelis Fa 269.
➢ 7. Jet-Powered Bombers
The Nazi's Arado Ar 234 was the first operational jet bomber, which was luckily built in very small numbers.
➢ 6. Sub-Orbital Bombers
The Silbervogel or 'silver bird' was proposed to attack the USA by delivering a huge bomb from space.
➢ 5. V-2 Equip U-boats
By adapting their U-boats to haul their huge v-2 Missiles, Nazis would have placed cities such as New York in serious danger.
➢ 4. The worlds first Stealth Bomber
The Reimar Horten’s Ho 229 prototype was the world first pure flying wing, powered by jet engines, that came closest to Hermann Göring’s “3 x 1000” performance requirements.
➢ 3. MEGA rockets
Seeking rockets even mightier than the V-2, hitler had planned on building intercontinental ballistic missiles with massive warheads that could hit the US all by themselves.
➢ 2. The Sun Gun
The heliobeam is a space station fitted with a wide concave mirror that would concentrate sunlight onto a point on the surface of the Earth.
➢ 1. The Atomic Bomb
In secret, the Nazis were in fact investing nuclear energy projects, but they didn't invest enough to make it as successful as the Manhattan project.
"Of Arms and Man I Sing"-The Aenid written by Virgil-Virgil commenced his epic story of Aeneas and the founding of Rome with the words: Arma virumque cano--"Of arms and man I sing.Aeneas receives full treatment in Roman mythology, most extensively in Virgil's Aeneid, where he is an ancestor of Romulus and Remus. He became the first true hero of Rome

Offline Joe Wooten

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Re: 10 Nazi SUPER WEAPONS that could've WON WW2
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2017, 12:44:28 am »
➢ 10. Jet Interceptors
In response to the British Gloster Meteor jet fighter, the Germans started developing advanced jet fighters such as the Super Lorin, Ta 283 & Henschel Hs 132.
None of those fighters were even put into production, and not even the ME262 would have been able to take on the P-80 if the war had gone on another few months. The huge number of P-51 and P-47 fighters found a way to cope with the ME262's by hanging around their bases and shooting them down as the landed or took off. Germany also had very few trained pilots left capable of handling any of those jets had they made  it to production

➢ 9. Superguns
Nazis planned on creating 50 so-called V-3 cannons which at over 150 meters in length, were to be built in two huge underground bunkers.

The V-3 was very vulnerable to air attack, as was proven by the one they did build, which was delayed long enough by air attacks to be overrun by British forces after the breakout from Normandy in August 1944. It was never fired.

➢ 8. VTOL Planes
Decades before the British Harrier Jet, the Nazis were developing vertical take-off and landing aircraft such as the Focke-Achgelis Fa 269.

Conceived as a single-seat fighter, the Fa 269 project resulted from a design study order issued by the Reich Air Ministry to Focke-Achgelis in 1941. The order called for a local defence fighter which would combine the VTOL capabilities of a helicopter with the speed and economy of a conventional fixed-wing aircraft.

A large amount of wind tunnel testing was undertaken, along with work on gearboxes, drives and power-pivoting mechanisms, and a full-scale mock-up of the aircraft was built to demonstrate the VTOL concept, but much of this was destroyed by Allied bombing raids and all work was shelved in 1944 when Focke-Achgelis estimated that there was little likelihood of a practical prototype being available before 1947.

By then Germany would have surrendered after getting nuked in August 1945. Focke's estimate of a working prototype was very optimistic. It took Bell a couple of decades to get the tilt rotor mechanisms reliable enough to be considered for a production aircraft.

➢ 7. Jet-Powered Bombers
The Nazi's Arado Ar 234 was the first operational jet bomber, which was luckily built in very small numbers.

The AR 234 was a great achievement, but when it became operational, it was already too late. It suffered from none-to-reliable engines, ferocious fuel consumption, and a small payload. It's top speed when loaded was less than the P-51K's top speed of almost 500 mph, and don't forget, the P-80 became operational in April of 1945 or so, it would have found the AR 234 easy meat.

➢ 6. Sub-Orbital Bombers
The Silbervogel or 'silver bird' was proposed to attack the USA by delivering a huge bomb from space.

No rocket engine powerful enough to put it up, and material technology of the time would have made it a suicide mission if the Germans had had an engine powerful enough to launch it.

➢ 5. V-2 Equip U-boats
By adapting their U-boats to haul their huge v-2 Missiles, Nazis would have placed cities such as New York in serious danger.

The V-2 was a liquid fueled rocket and Liquid O2 is a cryogenic substance. A submarine of that time would have been hard put to store it for the 3-4 days it would have taken to get across the Atlantic. Also, the V-2 was notoriously inaccurate, and launching it from a bobbing tube in the north atlantic would not help that any. It would be pure luck  if it had hit NYC. The U.S East coast was well patrolled by blimps, aircraft and boats, all armed to take on subs. The long prep time  for the V-2  means the sub would be very vulnerable.

➢ 4. The worlds first Stealth Bomber
The Reimar Horten’s Ho 229 prototype was the world first pure flying wing, powered by jet engines, that came closest to Hermann Göring’s “3 x 1000” performance requirements.

As Jack Northrup found out, the flying wings were very vulnerable to loss of control. It took modern computer controls to make a flying wing reliably controllable. This one would have been a non-starter.

➢ 3. MEGA rockets
Seeking rockets even mightier than the V-2, hitler had planned on building intercontinental ballistic missiles with massive warheads that could hit the US all by themselves.

And none of them would have been ready for testing before 1947-1948, much less production.

➢ 2. The Sun Gun
The heliobeam is a space station fitted with a wide concave mirror that would concentrate sunlight onto a point on the surface of the Earth.

No big, and I mean Saturn 5 big, rocket means no space station. This was a pure pipe dream that would have taken another 10-15 years to achieve.

➢ 1. The Atomic Bomb
In secret, the Nazis were in fact investing nuclear energy projects, but they didn't invest enough to make it as successful as the Manhattan project.

Yeah, they did not have the wealth and technical capability to build a nuke before we did. And we had to have a helluva lot of non-American scientists working on it. Germany also had no airplane big enough to deliver the bomb even if they had managed to build one. They also did not have a reactor capable of making plutonium, nor the process equipment to tease enough U-235 out of uranium ore to get the fissile materials.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2017, 12:54:27 am by Joe Wooten »