Author Topic: Germany’s Green Energy Project Close To Death: “EEG Feed-In Act Has Failed …Has To Go!”  (Read 371 times)

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Germany’s Green Energy Project Close To Death: “EEG Feed-In Act Has Failed …Has To Go!”

By P Gosselin on 29. September 2017

Angela Merkel’s grand coalition government with the opposition SPD socialist party took a massive beating in last Sunday’s election, with both her CDU/CSU party and the coalition partner SPD socialist party coming in at post-war historic lows.

Since then the SPD has announced it is no longer interested in continuing the grand coalition and instead will take the helm as the opposition force. The comfy, low-opposition government is over. This has got Merkel scrambling to find new partners to form a new government. Her only option available: forming a coalition with the business-friendly FDP free democrats – and the environmentalist Greens. That is not going to be easy by any means.