Author Topic: Pentagon Considering Retiring 100 F-35s Before They Ever Fly  (Read 344 times)

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Pentagon Considering Retiring 100 F-35s Before They Ever Fly
« on: September 28, 2017, 08:37:32 am »

Of the 1,763 F-35s intended to enter service with the US Air Force, 108 are in need of a software upgrade from Block 2B platform to the combat-ready Block 3F. This configuration change would be time-consuming and expensive, with 150 modifications needed in every aircraft to bring them up to standards.
It might be cheaper to simply take the older F-35s in need of upgrades and use them for testing or training purposes instead. The USAF is currently conducting a business case analysis to determine which option is better for the budget.

"What you're going to see is us continue to do a business case analysis of the cost to retrofit the older aircraft as we go forward. This is not a big dialogue," said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein on September 19, downplaying the significance of the consideration. "We have actually had this dialogue with the F-16, we had this dialogue with the F-15, we had this dialogue with the F-22. We just haven't had it for a while."
In the case of the F-22, three dozen fighters were retired when it came time to upgrade, with the USAF opting to use them for training instead. The US Marine Corps and Navy also operate F-35s, and Goldfein says that he will be discussing how best to move forward with his counterparts in those branches.
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