General Category > Immigration/Border

Daily Caller headline writer has fallen for the spin—45,000 refugees is not a huge cut!


Daily Caller headline writer has fallen for the spin—45,000 refugees is not a huge cut!

Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 25, 2017
White House Prepares To Announce Huge Cut In Refugee Admissions

Just because Obama set a ceiling of an unrealistically high 110,000 for one of his 8 years (which was not realized), we are supposed to be thrilled about 45,000!

***Update*** Do not fall for the media spin that Trump is cutting numbers in half. I just checked admission numbers for 15 full years following 9/11 and the average admission number is 57,938. I repeat: 45,000 is not a significant drop! Go here for all the numbers.

- 45,000 is the ceiling. The realized number is to be seen.

- Try to suspend the program and the judge-shopping crowd will thwart the effort. Hell, they may thwart this.

Let's get that number down to 4,500.

And then, maybe... 450.


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