Author Topic: Ann Coulter 'If we aren't getting a wall, we may as well have an attractive, dignified Republican in there'  (Read 9452 times)

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Offline Cripplecreek

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Remember when Lil Annie said Trump's immigration paper was the greatest document since the Magna Carta?

Good times. :silly:

Offline jpsb

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But I can't stand him because he has gone back on his word with immigration.

And what exactly has Trump done to break his word on immigration?

Offline aligncare

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And what exactly has Trump done to break his word on immigration?

I'll answer that. He hasn't broken his word. He is actively trying to get congress to constitutionally deal with Obama's illegal DACA EO. That's where this phase of the immigration issue belongs – congress.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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...  But I can't stand him because he has gone back on his word with immigration.

@Chosen Daughter

Illegal immigration is at an all time low; there's even a steady stream of illegals flowing into Canada. 

The President's EO on extreme vetting and stopping refugees remains in place, thanks to the Supreme Court. 

MS-13 is being rounded up and deported. 

He has ended Obama's EO on DACA and placed it in the hands of Congress .... who has been begging for the ball --- and where it belongs.

Existing physical barriers along our border with Mexico are being strengthened and repaired. The House approved $1.6 billion for building the new wall. Final bids on building the wall are now under review. 

Silver Pines

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Ann evidently fell for the Fake News that Trump was not going to build The Wall and was going to do an Amnesty for illegals. Fake News.


Fake news = whatever is inconvenient for me to hear.  See TOS for more examples.

Offline aligncare

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@Chosen Daughter

Illegal immigration is at an all time low; there's even a steady stream of illegals flowing into Canada. 

The President's EO on extreme vetting and stopping refugees remains in place, thanks to the Supreme Court. 

MS-13 is being rounded up and deported. 

He has ended Obama's EO on DACA and placed it in the hands of Congress .... who has been begging for the ball --- and where it belongs.

Existing physical barriers along our border with Mexico are being strengthened and repaired. The House approved $1.6 billion for building the new wall. Final bids on building the wall are now under review.

Exactly. Trump has done nothing on immigration.  *****rollingeyes*****

Silver Pines

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Remember when Lil Annie said Trump's immigration paper was the greatest document since the Magna Carta?

Good times. :silly:


Now she says the only people not burning their red hats are the ones who refuse to see that Trump is abandoning his entire agenda.

Offline Victoria33

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Fake news = whatever is inconvenient for me to hear.  See TOS for more examples.

Ann Coulter sells book by making outrageous statements to keep her in the news.  I dismissed her ranting years ago.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 02:17:52 pm by Victoria33 »

Offline jpsb

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Fake news = whatever is inconvenient for me to hear.  See TOS for more examples.


Please send me a link to where Trump says he is not going to build The Wall. TIA (thanks in advance)

Online corbe

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I'll answer that. He hasn't broken his word. He is actively trying to get congress to constitutionally deal with Obama's illegal DACA EO. That's where this phase of the immigration issue belongs – congress.

   A little history @aligncare correct me if I'm wrong.  DACA was in the hands of the US Congress, the Gang of 8, specifically, for 7 months, America did not want it, Sen. Cruz killed it with a Poison Pill amendment. Afterwards, obummer signs EO creating DACA/PACA. Fast forward 18 months and that infamous ride down an escalator and Trump opens his campaign on the illegal immigration issue, promising for over a year that on DAY 1 he will sign EO getting rid of obummers EO concerning DACA.  For 240 days, he dittles around then throws it back into Congress's lap and another round of Gang of 8 BS. Am I guilty of oversimplification. Your boy lied to the American Public for over a year concerning the DACA EO.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline Cripplecreek

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   A little history @aligncare correct me if I'm wrong.  DACA was in the hands of the US Congress, the Gang of 8, specifically, for 7 months, America did not want it, Sen. Cruz killed it with a Poison Pill amendment. Afterwards, obummer signs EO creating DACA/PACA. Fast forward 18 months and that infamous ride down an escalator and Trump opens his campaign on the illegal immigration issue, promising for over a year that on DAY 1 he will sign EO getting rid of obummers EO concerning DACA.  For 240 days, he dittles around then throws it back into Congress's lap and another round of Gang of 8 BS. Am I guilty of oversimplification. Your boy lied to the American Public for over a year concerning the DACA EO.

We're going to pay dearly for the mass stupidity that is Trumpism.

Offline RoosGirl

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   A little history @aligncare correct me if I'm wrong.  DACA was in the hands of the US Congress, the Gang of 8, specifically, for 7 months, America did not want it, Sen. Cruz killed it with a Poison Pill amendment. Afterwards, obummer signs EO creating DACA/PACA. Fast forward 18 months and that infamous ride down an escalator and Trump opens his campaign on the illegal immigration issue, promising for over a year that on DAY 1 he will sign EO getting rid of obummers EO concerning DACA.  For 240 days, he dittles around then throws it back into Congress's lap and another round of Gang of 8 BS. Am I guilty of oversimplification. Your boy lied to the American Public for over a year concerning the DACA EO.

Oh heavens no, the man of steel wouldn't lie!  The truth has just been altered a little.

Offline anubias

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We're going to pay dearly for the mass stupidity that is Trumpism.

That may well be, but hoping for it is worse than stupid.

Whatever he does, it is less than Hillary would have done. The massive amount of refugees she wanted to bring into the country keeps me happy that she is still crying into her scotch straight up.

Offline Cripplecreek

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That may well be, but hoping for it is worse than stupid.

Whatever he does, it is less than Hillary would have done. The massive amount of refugees she wanted to bring into the country keeps me happy that she is still crying into her scotch straight up.

Call it hope if you want. Its a simple fact and your desperate denial doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

Offline jpsb

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   Sen. Cruz killed it with a Poison Pill amendment

Cruz didn't kill squat, his "ammendment was never adopted. The truth is Cruz was in favor of legalization. In Cruzs' own words

Online corbe

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Cruz didn't kill squat, his "ammendment was never adopted. The truth is Cruz was in favor of legalization. In Cruzs' own words]=]

   Neither was the Gang of 8 Immigration Reform Bill, @jpsb that was the whole purpose. Google is used for other things besides nekid girls, for some of us.

   Unable to get this youtube video to load, it's Ted and Greta discussing the poison pill

« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 03:59:36 pm by corbe »
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline RoosGirl

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   Neither was the Gang of 8 Immigration Reform Bill, @jpsb that was the whole purpose. Google is used for other things besides nekid girls, for some of us.

Google has nekkid girls?

Offline jpsb

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   Neither was the Gang of 8 Immigration Reform Bill, @jpsb that was the whole purpose. Google is used for other things besides nekid girls, for some of us.

Gang of eigth was defeated because David Brat beat Eric Cantor in a GOP primary. Brat campaigned on one issue, No Amnesty for illegals. Cruz had nothing to do with that. Cruz got he nick name Lying Ted because is lies all the time and you fall for it. Cruz wanted amnesty even Senator Paul called Cruz a liar on the issue of legalization.

Offline GrouchoTex

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My 401K has doing well since Trump came into office, which makes happy....

On the topic....
My fear is Congress will vote on DACA and turn the thing into a law (of some sort) and that Trump will sign it.
It is right that it goes before Congress, and not as an EO, but Congress should say "No new law for Dreamers, the existing immigration law (prior to the DACA EO) stands".
It shouldn't become law, in my opinion.
It will lead to an increase in illegal crossing (already happening).
In the beginning of his term, illegal entry dropped, but it is picking up again.
They can say they've been here for 10 years, as children, and who is going to know?
The fight after that will be that they deserve citizenship, because it is not fair to have them, pay taxes, serve in the military, etc, without the right to vote.

Ann Coulter is crazy, but by design, a bit like a Kathy Griffin on the right.
Her point on the wall, is correct, however.
It hasn't started, and it was promised, and with Mexico paying for it.
What is happening now, is repairs to where the old fencing was built.
We can argue whether Trump has the authority to build a wall without Congress or not, but a lot of people bought into "Trump" building a wall and Mexico paying for it.
It is as if some thought he was going to force someone to do it, or get out there with bricks and a trowel himself.
I have wondered where those folks civics education came from.

Online corbe

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    Respectfully, @jpsb we will just have to agree to disagree on this particular item. We tend to look at it from completely different perspectives, and appear to be pretty locked in to our brand of philosophy, just as we do President Trump.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline XenaLee

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   Neither was the Gang of 8 Immigration Reform Bill, @jpsb that was the whole purpose. Google is used for other things besides nekid girls, for some of us.

   Unable to get this youtube video to load, it's Ted and Greta discussing the poison pill

Wow.  Greta is pretty obnoxious there.  Wouldn't let Ted talk...kept interrupting him...arguing with him.  I'm kinda glad Greta is gone now.

Never knew she was such a "b".
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Offline truth_seeker

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Trust him with what to do what??  Other than appoint a conservative SCOTUS  (and the jury is still out on his conservatism) what the heck has he done that he said he was going to do?

I'll turn that around on you. What has he NOT DONE that is solely within the power of the President, that you believe he should/could have done by now?

"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

Offline anubias

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Call it hope if you want. Its a simple fact and your desperate denial doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

Thank you for proving my point.

Offline truth_seeker

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So far the President's done pretty damn well against some formidable opposition on both sides of the swamp.

To highlight a few of the promises kept:  He ended dozens of Obama's EO's, including growth stifling regulations including those from the EPA, (both employment and the stock market are up as is consumer confidence)

He's pulled us out of TPP and the Paris Climate Accord, he's renegotiating NAFTA.  He fought like hell for and met repeatedly with the Republican caucus to repeal and replace Obamacare .... but the Republican Senatorial caucus wasn't having  it. (But fearing for their jobs, the Senate is now taking another crack at this)

The Senate just passed on a bipartisan vote a $700 billion increase in military spending. President Trump signed into law a bill providing over $2 billion to open new Veterans Affairs department medical facilities and fund care for veterans seeking medical care outside the government system on Saturday--giving them immediate access to health care.

He's nominated dozens of federal judges .... but our esteemed Republican Senate has neither time nor interest in helping to fundamentally change the makeup of the federal bench.  (Imagine what the President could accomplish with a functioning Senate)

Illegal immigration is at an all time low; there's even a steady stream of illegals flowing into Canada.  The President's EO on extreme vetting remains in place, thanks to the Supreme Court.  MS-13 is being rounded up and deported.  He has ended Obama's EO on DACA and placed it in the hands of Congress .... who has been begging for the ball --- and where it belongs.

Existing physical barriers along our border with Mexico are being strengthened and repaired. The House approved $1.6 billion for building the new wall. Final bids on building the wall are now under review. 

The President has moved to tax reform requiring (thanks to McConnell) 60 votes in the Senate ... so he's looking to pick off Democrat Senators to help pass it.   

The President stood for America first at the most unlikely of places on this planet:  the United Nations.

He's really doing a very good job.

If posted on a serious, conservative political discussion forum, that would be a good summation  of his tenure, to date. 
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

Online libertybele

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@Chosen Daughter

Illegal immigration is at an all time low; there's even a steady stream of illegals flowing into Canada. 

The President's EO on extreme vetting and stopping refugees remains in place, thanks to the Supreme Court. 

MS-13 is being rounded up and deported. 

He has ended Obama's EO on DACA and placed it in the hands of Congress .... who has been begging for the ball --- and where it belongs.

Existing physical barriers along our border with Mexico are being strengthened and repaired. The House approved $1.6 billion for building the new wall. Final bids on building the wall are now under review.

??? When did Congress approve $1.6 billion for a NEW wall??  It was my understanding that $$ was appropriated to repair the existing wall but no $$ was in the budget or any future budget for any additional wall/barrier.

As for the vetting and stopping of refugees, it was my understanding that it was for a very limited time period of 3 months.

If you have information to the contrary, please correct me. 
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