Author Topic: New York Times shows glaring hypocrisy on blocking judicial appointments  (Read 332 times)

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September 20, 2017
New York Times shows glaring hypocrisy on blocking judicial appointments
By David Zukerman

In its September 15 editorial, The New York Times supported what it called the "informal Senate practice [that] allows a senator to block the nomination of a judge from his or her home state by referring to sign off on a blue-colored form."  The editorial, titled "A Hypocritical Battle Over Blue Slip," was apparently prompted by the refusal of Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) to approve the nomination to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals of "David Stras, a well-respected but very conservative justice" on the Minnesota Supreme Court.  (The editorial also noted that "Oregon's two Democratic senators, Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley," were blocking Ryan Bounds, another appeals court appointee from President Trump.)

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