Author Topic: Sessions Makes the Case for Why Congress Shouldn’t Help Dreamers  (Read 361 times)

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    Sessions Makes the Case for Why Congress Shouldn’t Help Dreamers

    September 6, 2017

    During his announcement that the Trump administration would rescind DACA, Attorney General Jeff Sessions made two arguments. The first was that the executive order signed by President Obama was unconstitutional.

    I’m going to leave that one aside because, to be frank, the Supreme Court decides what is and isn’t constitutional. As we’ve seen from our history with cases like the Dred Scott Decision and Plessy v. Ferguson, there are times when things are declared constitutional that later courts overturn (thankfully). The constitutionality of these things is rarely as clear as Sessions would lead us to believe. If such decisions were so black and white, our founders would have instituted a Supreme Court with only one justice to make the call. As we saw with DAPA (which stood on less firm legal grounds that DACA), four of the current justices said that it was constitutional.