Author Topic: DACA is a SCAM  (Read 383 times)

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Offline endicom

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« on: September 06, 2017, 01:02:12 pm »
The DiploMad 2.0
W. Lewis Amselem
Sept. 5, 2017


Also realize, contrary to MSM reporting, that DACA is NOT law, it's NOT even an Executive Order. Nope. It's, at best, an extra-legal temporary ("certain period of time") policy created by an Obama speech, and a subsequent memo from the-then DHS Secretary announcing that we would not enforce our immigration laws when it came to a certain class of illegal alien, i.e., "childhood arrivals." What we have, therefore, is a speech by an ex-President and a memo by a former cabinet member substituting for and defying the law of the land.

Also contrary to much press reporting and angst-ridden declarations coming from prog ponds around the nation, DACA does not "protect" children. As succinctly explained by FAIR, an good organization absurdly labelled a "hate group" by the increasingly deranged and corrupt Southern Poverty Law Center (my emphasis),
