General Category > Immigration/Border
Do DREAMers Have “Clean Criminal Records”? Of Course Not, But That Doesn’t Stop #FakeNews From Claiming They Do.
Do DREAMers Have “Clean Criminal Records”? Of Course Not, But That Doesn’t Stop #FakeNews From Claiming They Do.
Washington Watcher
September 2, 2017, 10:03 pm
As President Trump threatens to fulfill his long-overdue campaign promise to reverse Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals [DACA], the Fake News media is going into overdrive with propaganda about this unconstitutional Obama program. One of the most repeated refrains: DREAMers—illegals allegedly brought as children, so called because the original failed Congressional attempt to Amnesty them was portentously named the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act—pose no threat to public safety because of our government’s intense vetting of them. It’s a lie.
A few examples:
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