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94,785,000 Not in Labor Force; At 62.9%, Labor Force Participation Stuck Near 38-Year Low


94,785,000 Not in Labor Force; At 62.9%, Labor Force Participation Stuck Near 38-Year Low
By Susan Jones | September 1, 2017 | 8:42 AM EDT

( – Heading into the Labor Day weekend, the latest jobs report is a disappointment.

Tthe number of Americans over age 16 who are not in the labor force – for whatever reason – remained stubbornly high in August, at 94,785,000.  That is partly attributed to the rising number of retirements among Baby Boomers.

As recently as December 2016, a record 95,102,000 Americans were not in the labor force, and the number has hovered near that record high so far in 2017.



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