Author Topic: Lindsey Graham: President Trump Focusing Against Congress "A Very Thought-Out Strategy, There's Nothing Crazy About It"  (Read 1869 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Lindsey Graham: President Trump Focusing Against Congress "A Very Thought-Out Strategy, There's Nothing Crazy About It"
Real Clear Politics, Aug 25, 2017, Tim Hains

Sen. Lindsey Graham joined syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt for an interview Tabout President Trump's claim that he is willing to shut down the government to get funding for his border wall.

 "President Trump is thinking the right way in terms of putting combinations together that will get Democratic votes. Here’s the problem. You’re going to lose about a dozen plus House guys on the Republican side, because they can never vote to raise the debt ceiling, and that means you’ve got to go buy Democrats, find a vehicle that Democrats have to vote for, tie it together," Graham explained.

 He also discussed President Trump's strategy of running against members of Congress, even if they are in his party: "Trump is making a political decision here to be presidential, listen to the generals, and to go back to his base and fire them up and put pressure on the Senate and the House to do things he wants... The Congress is very unpopular, particularly with the Republican base, so there’s nothing unhinged about it. It’s a political strategy that I’m not so sure is smart, but it’s a very thought-out strategy. There’s nothing crazy about it. It’s a political strategy."

Transcript, via Hugh Hewitt Show:


Offline Mesaclone

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Lindsey Graham: President Trump Focusing Against Congress "A Very Thought-Out Strategy, There's Nothing Crazy About It"
Real Clear Politics, Aug 25, 2017, Tim Hains

Sen. Lindsey Graham joined syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt for an interview Tabout President Trump's claim that he is willing to shut down the government to get funding for his border wall.

 "President Trump is thinking the right way in terms of putting combinations together that will get Democratic votes. Here’s the problem. You’re going to lose about a dozen plus House guys on the Republican side, because they can never vote to raise the debt ceiling, and that means you’ve got to go buy Democrats, find a vehicle that Democrats have to vote for, tie it together," Graham explained.

 He also discussed President Trump's strategy of running against members of Congress, even if they are in his party: "Trump is making a political decision here to be presidential, listen to the generals, and to go back to his base and fire them up and put pressure on the Senate and the House to do things he wants... The Congress is very unpopular, particularly with the Republican base, so there’s nothing unhinged about it. It’s a political strategy that I’m not so sure is smart, but it’s a very thought-out strategy. There’s nothing crazy about it. It’s a political strategy."

Transcript, via Hugh Hewitt Show:


This is the perfect example of the broken clock cliche'. For once, Graham is correct in his political assessment.
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain


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So Trump will now pivot to the Democrats, i.e., to his natural constituency.  He really will end up being more or less like Schwarzenegger was. 
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 01:06:45 pm by Oceander »

Offline Mesaclone

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So Trump will now pivot to the Democrats, i.e., to his natural constituency.  He really will end up being more or less like Schwarzenegger was.

His natural constituency....

who vote universally against any and every major initiative he's put forth.
who proclaim him the 2nd coming of Hitler/Stalin/Mussolini/Tojo all rolled into one.
who are fighting to impeach him at every turn.
who are condoning the sending of violent protest groups like Antifa/BLM to all of his rallies and events.
who universally hate and despise him in every conceivable almost palpable and clearly visceral hatred.

Yes....sounds like a very "natural" constituency. Seriously, have you lost ALL perception of reality?

The man has done nothing but fight for the conservative cause since he walked in to the White House...worse, he's called the Left out for what they are (a coalition of deeply biased media, self inflated/interested dirty politicians, and radical nutjobs working to indoctrinate our campuses and shut down free speech with in Antifa/BLM)...and THAT is explicitly why the entire Left despises him in every way imaginable.

How anyone could have such a twisted misperception as to perceive that as a "natural" constituency demonstrates a disturbing ability to take the frightened ostrich approach to all political discourse.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 01:22:24 pm by Mesaclone »
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain


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His natural constituency....

who vote universally against any and every major initiative he's put forth.
who proclaim him the 2nd coming of Hitler/Stalin/Mussolini/Tojo all rolled into one.
who are fighting to impeach him at every turn.
who are condoning the sending of violent protest groups like Antifa/BLM to all of his rallies and events.
who universally hat and despise him in every conceivable way.

Yes....sounds like a very "natural" constituency.

The man has done nothing but fight for the conservative cause since he walked in to the White House...worse, he's called the Left out for what they are (a coalition of deeply biased media, self inflated/interested dirty politicians, and radical nutjobs working to indoctrinate our campuses and shut down free speech with in Antifa/BLM)...and THAT is explicitly why the entire Left despises him in every way imaginable.

How anyone could have such a twisted misperception as to perceive that as a "natural" constituency demonstrates a disturbing ability to take the frightened ostrich approach to all political discourse.


Sorry pal, but this Orange God of yours, lemme let you in on a secret: he ain't a god.

And if you had once, just once, paid attention to whom Trump supported when he wasn't trying to hoodwink republicans into supporting him, you'd realize that he has consistently backed democrats.  His kids couldn't vote for him in the NY primaries because they were still registered democrats, the same kids who are ensconced in the White House as his senior advisers. 

Stop drinking the orange koolaid. 
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 01:24:38 pm by Oceander »

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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... this Orange God ....  lemme let you in on a secret: he ain't a god.

Figure that out all by yourself, did you?   Wow.  We are blessed to have your insights. 

Offline Mesaclone

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Sorry pal, but this Orange God of yours, lemme let you in on a secret: he ain't a god.

Correct. He's just a man fighting his a$$ off for conservatism on nearly every major issue.....judges, immigration, military strength, taxes, free markets, etcetera. All you have in reply are silly postulations about Orange god's. First, grow up. Second, wake up. Finally, realize that most of us including the President are fighting like hell against Antifa, BLM, the media, a host of radically PC dems in congress and on campus....and we're using the army we have, not the one you wish we had. Trump fights. We are fighting. You are sitting on the sidelines claiming to be above it all because the rest of us are imperfect instruments...either dupes, lacking in moral narcissism, or just imperfect in your eyes. Well, that's easy...and cowardly...on your part. Grab a pair and get in the fight for once....or just sit in your "safe space" and deride those who are fighting back with president who is...yes...down in the mud battling the Left with all his might.
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain


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Correct. He's just a man fighting his a$$ off for conservatism on nearly every major issue.....judges, immigration, military strength, taxes, free markets, etcetera. All you have in reply are silly postulations about Orange god's. First, grow up. Second, wake up. Finally, realize that most of us including the President are fighting like hell against Antifa, BLM, the media, a host of radically PC dems in congress and on campus....and we're using the army we have, not the one you wish we had. Trump fights. We are fighting. You are sitting on the sidelines claiming to be above it all because the rest of us are imperfect instruments...either dupes, lacking in moral narcissism, or just imperfect in your eyes. Well, that's easy...and cowardly...on your part. Grab a pair and get in the fight for once....or just sit in your "safe space" and deride those who are fighting back with president who is...yes...down in the mud battling the Left with all his might.

He's not fighting for anything other than his own ego.  For example, he didn't do a damned thing to try and rally the laggards on Obamacare repeal, he just sat their like a little baby whinging about not getting his toys.

He's pretty much made an unholy mess of just about everything he's touched.  The only thing of real substance he accomplished was appointing Justice Gorsuch. 

Offline Mesaclone

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Sorry pal, but this Orange God of yours, lemme let you in on a secret: he ain't a god.

And if you had once, just once, paid attention to whom Trump supported when he wasn't trying to hoodwink republicans into supporting him, you'd realize that he has consistently backed democrats.  His kids couldn't vote for him in the NY primaries because they were still registered democrats, the same kids who are ensconced in the White House as his senior advisers. 

Stop drinking the orange koolaid.

Such a cop out. I don't care if he was Mahatma Ghandi or Genghis Khan previously, I care that right now he's fighting his a$$ off for conservative ideas, values and legislation. I also don't care if his kids are tree hugging hippies or neo-cons....I care that the man is battling the immediate danger to this nation (as in Pelosi/Schumer/Hillary) and their insane ideas. There's a fight going on, and you've got Antifa/BLM in the streets with violence whilst the media and Dem Left control the airways and push for impeachment of a president fighting for all the conservative values we've all proclaimed over the years....wake the F up. Trump has had his Damascus moment and he's now fighting the conservative fight ba11s to the wall, no holds barred....and yes that looks ugly at times, yes he makes mistakes and says idiotic things, but for the love of pete he's in there swinging away. Try getting off your couch and fighting back with the rest of us....we need the help, that's for damm sure.
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain

Offline Mesaclone

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He's not fighting for anything other than his own ego.  For example, he didn't do a damned thing to try and rally the laggards on Obamacare repeal, he just sat their like a little baby whinging about not getting his toys.

He's pretty much made an unholy mess of just about everything he's touched.  The only thing of real substance he accomplished was appointing Justice Gorsuch.

Why perpetuate these falsehoods. By all accounts, Trump was tireless in fighting for votes...leaning heavily on different constituencies on both sides of the GOP spectrum. He worked the phones, held personal meetings, coordinated with leadership and worked some 24 hour days fighting for the Ocare repeal....but in the end, its on congress and President doesn't get a vote. If you think he "didn't do a damn thing", than you are deeply misinformed...he championed the fight and worked his tail off to get Ocare...heck, he is still fighting. You want to blame someone, blame the RINO's (Murkowski/Collins) and blame John McCain...that is why Ocare repeal failed.
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain


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Such a cop out. I don't care if he was Mahatma Ghandi or Genghis Khan previously, I care that right now he's fighting his a$$ off for conservative ideas, values and legislation. I also don't care if his kids are tree hugging hippies or neo-cons....I care that the man is battling the immediate danger to this nation (as in Pelosi/Schumer/Hillary) and their insane ideas. There's a fight going on, and you've got Antifa/BLM in the streets with violence whilst the media and Dem Left control the airways and push for impeachment of a president fighting for all the conservative values we've all proclaimed over the years....wake the F up. Trump has had his Damascus moment and he's now fighting the conservative fight ba11s to the wall, no holds barred....and yes that looks ugly at times, yes he makes mistakes and says idiotic things, but for the love of pete he's in there swinging away. Try getting off your couch and fighting back with the rest of us....we need the help, that's for damm sure.


I see you went for seconds on that Orange koolaid.

Trump isn't battling the antifas or anything else; he's throwing them as much red meat as he's throwing his worshippers like you because he likes to be the center of controversy. 


Offline Cripplecreek

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Trump is a political suicide bomber.


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Trump is a political suicide bomber.

Eh, I wouldn't give him that much credit.  He's a reality TV star who lives and breathes ego-centric controversy.  He is compelled to create controversy of the most petty, meaningless sort the way that fish are compelled to breathe water: without it he dies. 

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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He's not fighting for anything other than his own ego.  For example, he didn't do a damned thing to try and rally the laggards on Obamacare repeal, he just sat their like a little baby whinging about not getting his toys.  ...

How is it you're so able to keep the truth and the facts from interfering with what you post? @Oceander

Offline Mesaclone

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How is it you're so able to keep the truth and the facts from interfering with what you post? @Oceander

They don't NEED facts or reason....they have cliche's, one liners and Dem talking points. Much simpler, and no need for them to engage any sort of intellect...which quite obviously would be really, really hard for them.

What's especially entertaining is reading their amateur psychoanalysis of the president's desires and personality...and that of his supporters. Clearly, these guys have Phd's in cognitive analysis and are card carrying members of the Psychology Today journal. Or, perhaps, they just shared a room at a Holiday Inn last night. Hard to argue with such brilliance.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 01:56:37 pm by Mesaclone »
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain


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How is it you're so able to keep the truth and the facts from interfering with what you post? @Oceander

Because they guide what I post.  Why is it you allow your worship of Trump to stand in the way and prevent you from seeing, or even acknowledging, the truth and the facts?


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They don't NEED facts or reason....they have cliche's, one liners and Dem talking points. Much simpler, and no need for them to engage any sort of intellect...which quite obviously would be really, really hard for them.

What's especially entertaining is reading their amateur psychoanalysis of the president's desires and personality...and that of his supporters. Clearly, these guys have Phd's in cognitive analysis and are card carrying members of the Psychology Today journal. Or, perhaps, they just shared a room at a Holiday Inn last night. Hard to argue with such brilliance.

Attacking the messenger.  A clear sign that you haven't any actual facts to back up your religious fervor for Trump. 

Offline Mesaclone

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We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain

Offline Mesaclone

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Attacking the messenger.  A clear sign that you haven't any actual facts to back up your religious fervor for Trump.

Was telling me I worship an orange god not "attacking the messenger"?

Step outside your glass house, perhaps, before you toss a stone at someone else.

We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain


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So, who's more worthy of a Trump-worshippers love, the Bannon-era Trump or the post-Bannon Trump?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 02:00:37 pm by Oceander »

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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They don't NEED facts or reason....they have cliche's, one liners and Dem talking points. Much simpler, and no need for them to engage any sort of intellect...which quite obviously would be really, really hard for them.

What's especially entertaining is reading their amateur psychoanalysis of the president's desires and personality...and that of his supporters. Clearly, these guys have Phd's in cognitive analysis and are card carrying members of the Psychology Today journal. Hard to argue with such brilliance.

They're probably pouring over the newest issue of Slate Magazine while scanning Huffington Post for a stinging retort.   :laugh:

Offline roamer_1

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Trump is a political suicide bomber.

eh, no... More like a political 'flaming bag of sh*t on the front porch'.

Offline Mesaclone

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So, who's more worthy of a Trump-worshippers love, the Bannon-era Trump or the post-Bannon Trump?

I don't know any Trump worshippers, so I've no idea how to answer your juvenile question. Perhaps you should go seek one out, as I've seen none on this board.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 02:01:48 pm by Mesaclone »
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain


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I don't know any Trump worshippers, so I've no idea how to answer your juvenile question.

Not since the last time you looked in the mirror, you don't. 


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eh, no... More like a political 'flaming bag of sh*t on the front porch'.
