Author Topic: It's Only Going to Get Weirder from Here  (Read 301 times)

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It's Only Going to Get Weirder from Here
« on: August 23, 2017, 04:22:09 pm »
With Trump, the abnormal is the new normal.
By Jonah Goldberg

You hear it constantly these days: “This can’t go on.” “Something’s got to give.” The hope that
impeachment is around the corner is an unspoken assumption in much media coverage. “Trump Is Just
Six Senate Votes Away From Impeachment” blared a recent Newsweek headline. (News flash: He’s not.)

The Los Angeles Times ran a forceful — and largely persuasive — editorial titled “Enough is Enough.”
It began, “These are not normal times,” and then followed with a blistering indictment of elected
Republicans who refuse to stand up and speak out about the damage the president is doing to the
country and his own party.

But maybe the new abnormal is the new normal, as the last line of the piece suggests: “This is the
seventh in a series.”

Part of the problem is that President Trump, in terms of both his personality and his behavior, is like
a magnet next to a compass, making it very difficult to get accurate bearings. Just as his candidacy
was a symptom of larger forces — the triumph of entertainment culture, the breakdown in confidence
in elites and their institutions, etc. — his presidency may likewise be masking more permanent
changes to politics.

We won’t know if things will return to “normal” until we separate the magnet and the compass. Until
then, all of the proposed remedies for the problem of political chaos only promise more chaos . . .

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