Author Topic: Scott Adams explains TDS: ‘How to know if you’re in a mass hysteria bubble’  (Read 1819 times)

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Offline TomSea

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I caught Howie Carr this week and he had on the most fascinating segment. His audience called in with their memories of media-generated mass hysteria over the last 30-40 years.

From Alar in apple juice to Legionnaires disease to the Ozone hole, there were dozens and dozens of media scares I hadn't thought about in years – but funny how I remembered them all. Interesting too that almost all were health scares.

Howie Carr is on Newsmax now, at least an hour or two of his radio show. I'll have to try to watch him.

Offline EasyAce

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Off-topic, but it kind of cracks me up that Scott Adams is now a "pundit".  When did that happen?  What are the qualifications for punditry, and how did he attain those?  Where does the job title of pundit fall within the cartoonist career track?
@Polly Ticks
It worked for Garry Trudeau when he felt like punditting, didn't it? ;)

As for Adams' argument, "derangement syndrome" has long enough been a convenient club with which to beat
the heads of someone who demurs from one's chosen temporal saviour. It's just another way to try shutting
down a discourse when the discourse turns to the negatives of said temporal saviour. We saw it with Clinton
supporters battering Clinton critics as suffering "Clinton derangement syndrome," likewise George W. Bush
supporters and "Bush derangement syndrome," likewise Obama supporters with Obama derangement syndrome.
It does precious little other than expose those "diagnosing" the syndrome as truly lacking.

And we have folks in this forum, on all sides of the Donaldus Minimus question, who are way too smart to
fall into or for that trap.

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