Author Topic: Charlottesville Protests Reveal Syrian Islamist Neo Nazi alliance  (Read 195 times)

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Monday, 14 August 2017
Charlottesville Protests Reveal Syrian Islamist Neo Nazi alliance

A minor epiphany occurred  at  the “Unite the Right” rally  revealed in the wanton violent act of   20 year old James Alex Fields,  Jr. Fields was arrested as the perpetrator  of the Palestinian/ISIS terrorist-style car ramming that  tragically killed  32 year old local law firm employee Heather Heyer while crossing the street and injuring   26 others, many seriously, in downtown Charlottesville .

 It surfaced in a Newsweek  article and interview with a former high school history  teacher that noted  Field’s pronounced Neo-Nazi views. Upon further investigation of his Facebook page it revealed his bizarre veneration of embattled Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad ,   “Why Do James Alex Field Jr. and U.S. Neo-Nazis Love Syria’s Bashar al-Assad?”