Author Topic: OP ED: Blaming Trump, But What About Obama?  (Read 484 times)

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OP ED: Blaming Trump, But What About Obama?
« on: August 14, 2017, 05:10:19 pm »
My sentiments exactly.  I'm tired of the Auntie Maxines of this country crying foul when promoting racism seems to come from the left.

Blaming Trump, But What About Obama?

The Left is piling on President Donald Trump for what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia. They criticize the president for not doing enough or saying enough while shouting that it is Trump’s fault for what happened. Where was that same outrage against Obama?

As black lives matter was killing police officers across the country, where was Obama’s outrage? Why didn’t the press attack him for failing to call out the black nationalist organization?  As police departments across the country geared up for more Black Lives Matter demonstrations, the White House called the street protests “a good thing.”

I also remember the group yelling, “What do we want?” Dead cops, “When do we want them?” Now, and to Obama, that’s a good thing? The Lame Stream Media said nothing; as a matter of fact, they seemed to be on the side of BLM.

After the demonstrations turned violent Trump made the following statement: “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides, on many sides.”

Was he wrong? Both sides committed violence, as a matter of fact when violence does occur 99% of the time it is the Left that causes it. A White House official later said: “The President was condemning hatred, bigotry, and violence from all sources and all sides. There was violence between protesters and counter protesters today.”

A White House spokesman said: “The President said very strongly in his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of violence, bigotry and hatred, and, of course, that includes white supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazi and all extremist groups.”

For the next seven and a half years we can expect President Trump to be roasted, toasted and sliced up every time something happens. The LSM are condemning Trump for not calling out white nationalists but were silent when Obama wouldn’t say Islamic Terrorism. Trump will always be the Lame Stream Medias piñata.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 05:10:42 pm by libertybele »
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Re: OP ED: Blaming Trump, But What About Obama?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2017, 05:17:10 pm »
But that's different. The Left are enlightened Holy Ones, and their high moral beliefs transcend any such appearances of contradictory hypocrisy. Laws, logic, reason, facts are all less important than liberal doctrines and the will of Gaia. No that is not a violation of Separation of Church and State.
The Republic is lost.

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Re: OP ED: Blaming Trump, But What About Obama?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2017, 05:23:36 pm »
Absolutely, but some won't see this like trying to lead a horse to water.

Somehow the comparison is to Obama refusing to say "Islamic Terror" vs whatever Trump said, forget about Bernie and the guy that shot down Scalise as well.

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Re: OP ED: Blaming Trump, But What About Obama?
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2017, 05:34:07 pm »
Deflection and excuses.  "You think Trump is bad?  but what about how awful Obama was?"
The foul taste of 8 years of Obama does not improve the taste of our current Trumptasticly Yuge Sh1t Sandwich.
and "what about BLM?" doesn't bring Heather Heyer back from the dead.

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Re: OP ED: Blaming Trump, But What About Obama?
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2017, 05:44:25 pm »
Deflection and excuses.  "You think Trump is bad?  but what about how awful Obama was?"
The foul taste of 8 years of Obama does not improve the taste of our current Trumptasticly Yuge Sh1t Sandwich.
and "what about BLM?" doesn't bring Heather Heyer back from the dead.

True, but one incident does not equal the long chain of violent lefty garbage since Trump was elected, much less the last 8 years of Obama. And there are plenty of lefty Heather Heyers of the world who cheer that crap on too.

I'm not fan of white nationalists, but propping up those guys as a straw bogeyman that even approach the antics of the left is wantful thinking. All those cops that were shot dead in BLM inspired rage aren't coming back either.
The Republic is lost.

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Re: OP ED: Blaming Trump, But What About Obama?
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2017, 05:47:20 pm »
Deflection and excuses.  "You think Trump is bad?  but what about how awful Obama was?"
The foul taste of 8 years of Obama does not improve the taste of our current Trumptasticly Yuge Sh1t Sandwich.
and "what about BLM?" doesn't bring Heather Heyer back from the dead.

It's not excuses, it's dealing with the reality of what is political football, just as much as this joke investigation with Russia that the Democrats are putting people through.

I'll bet if the anarchists were not stirring thigns up, Heather Heyer would still be alive but I guess we won't hear anything about that.

Nor double-standards, thank goodness,  no one here as them.... **nononono*

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Re: OP ED: Blaming Trump, But What About Obama?
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2017, 05:51:36 pm »
Franklin Graham: 'Shame on Politicians' for Blaming Trump
Franklin Graham
19 hrs ·

Shame on the politicians who are trying to push blame on President Trump for what happened in #Charlottesville, VA. That’s absurd. What about the politicians such as the city council who voted to remove a memorial that had been in place since 1924, regardless of the possible repercussions? How about the city politicians who issued the permit for the lawful demonstration to defend the statue? And why didn’t the mayor or the governor see that a powder keg was about to explode and stop it before it got started? Instead they want to blame President Donald J. Trump for everything. Really, this boils down to evil in people’s hearts. Satan is behind it all. He wants division, he wants unrest, he wants violence and hatred. He’s the enemy of peace and unity. I denounce bigotry and racism of every form, be it black, white or any other. My prayer is that our nation will come together. We are stronger together, and our answers lie in turning to God. It was good to hear that several Virginia and Charlottesville leaders attended church today at Mt. Zion. CNN said, “The racial divides that fueled Saturday’s violence were replaced by unity Sunday…” Continue to pray for peace and for all those impacted by Saturday’s tragedies.




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Re: OP ED: Blaming Trump, But What About Obama?
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2017, 06:03:16 pm »
Deflection and excuses.  "You think Trump is bad?  but what about how awful Obama was?"
The foul taste of 8 years of Obama does not improve the taste of our current Trumptasticly Yuge Sh1t Sandwich.
and "what about BLM?" doesn't bring Heather Heyer back from the dead.

Not necessarily.  The MSM is being very hypocritical and politically biased here, and there is nothing wrong with pointing that out.  In fact, it should be pointed out. 

Online libertybele

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Re: OP ED: Blaming Trump, But What About Obama?
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2017, 06:31:31 pm »
Not necessarily.  The MSM is being very hypocritical and politically biased here, and there is nothing wrong with pointing that out.  In fact, it should be pointed out.

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