Author Topic: Charlottesville suspect’s mother: ‘Trump’s not a white supremacist’  (Read 4772 times)

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Silver Pines

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I have no idea where you got the idea I'm a Nazi/KKK sympathizer or member. You radicalized leftists tend to jump to conclusions that don't exist. I am not a member nor a sympathizer but I do believe in our Constitution and it says they have a right to assemble and protest.

It would be like me saying you are an ISIS/BLM/Antifa/Taliban/Black Panther sympathizer without a shred of proof. But since we are on the subject; are you?


I erased a bunch of stuff you probably wouldn't read just like last time since you didn't get through the first sentence so allow me to digress to another subject that you also won't read.

I'll leave you with this nugget of fact. We are going to have a period of low unemployment and good economy but in 10-20 years when the robots/machines/computers start taking more and more of the jobs people now do; things will get really crazy unless there are enough new jobs generated or we have a reduction in population. The machines will reach a turning point, or rather we will advance them to a certain point, then all they need to do is see us do the job for a day, or maybe just a few minutes, then they can do it from that point on. That only applies to the first one. After that it's just a matter of sending the new code to the next one and so on. They will recharge via radio type waves and they can go 24/7 without stopping to have a baby, get sick, complain, or miss a day for any reason other than repairs. They won't get paid or have Unions or lawsuits. We will be obsolete so who then will buy the products the machine's make if we are all unemployed or on welfare?

Cars will be electric with just a few moving parts to go bad. To fix them the drive train or battery pack is swapped out. Tires by then will last the life of the battery pack or maybe the car itself. If the powers that be have their way, we won't even own a car, just dial one up on our implanted smart phone by just thinking it. They of course will be self driving. We won't even be able to touch the hidden electronic controls.

What does all this have to do with racism? Nothing directly but more of us will have nothing better to do than think of more ways to be angry. Far more than now. Won't that be fun!!?

The good news? Flying cars will be a reality and they will be affordable to the common person assuming they have a job because non-paid robots made them. Kids today do have something to look forward to if they are smart enough to learn and understand how to fix robots. They will need to be part engineer, mechanic, electronics expert, and salesman. All menial jobs will be done by machines until machines become sentient then, uh-oh, guess who does the menial jobs then? I sure hope space exploration is well underway and most of us have left the planet by then to colonize new worlds across the galaxy (in a far far away place). Nod to Star Wars. :)


I read your posts.  I just dismiss most of the content.

I can't imagine where I got the idea you're a Nazi sympathizer, unless it's your attempts to excuse and justify their actions.

That's a nice little fanfic you have going there.  It must keep you stirred up just enough to call for civil war ("let's get it on", lol) while you sit in your recliner and stock up on Cheetos to watch all the action on TV.

By the way, weren't you going to move on?  Twice?

Silver Pines

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And this is just about where the conversation ended at TOS back in 2005 or so when someone from TBR threw me a lifeline and I was saved from that racist bigoted forum along with many others who enjoy civil conservative political discussion and debate. God I hope the same thing doesn't happen here. 
Up to recently our MODS have been great at keeping the occasional fiery debate from getting out of hand, but more than a few here are making their jobs very difficult.


I hope you don't go anywhere.  There are only a few yahoos trying to openly push the fringe nutcase TOS-type stuff. 

Offline Freedom928

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I can't imagine where I got the idea you're a Nazi sympathizer, unless it's your attempts to excuse and justify their actions.

Probably the same place I figured you were a ISIS/BLM/Antifa/Taliban/Black Panther sympathizer. I invented it out thin air. Then again; you never did answer the question so you may very well be. Frankly; it wouldn't surprise me in the least.

That's a nice little fanfic you have going there.  It must keep you stirred up just enough to call for civil war ("let's get it on", lol) while you sit in your recliner and stock up on Cheetos to watch all the action on TV.

Hey, you're the expert on armchair quarterbacking, you tell me.

By the way, weren't you going to move on?  Twice?

Maybe. Are you under the impression a fella can't change his mind. Besides; most that last post wasn't directed at you anyway. I doubt you would understand the nuances in the meaning since you don't understand the relationship a young man could have with his car. There's a slight possibility I could be wrong though.
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He probably bought the car with the trust fund money he got when he was 18. So far, the kid isn't talking as best I can tell. If he is talking, he's not saying what the puppeteers wants us to hear. It's possible that his got thumped with a bat and he took off. There is a clip that appears to show that. But he should not have even been there in the first place.

I'm OK with executing him. Just one less mentally ill person to deal with.
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Offline edpc

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He probably bought the car with the trust fund money he got when he was 18. So far, the kid isn't talking as best I can tell. If he is talking, he's not saying what the puppeteers wants us to hear. It's possible that his got thumped with a bat and he took off. There is a clip that appears to show that. But he should not have even been there in the first place.

I'm OK with executing him. Just one less mentally ill person to deal with.

Based on the registration information, the car is. 2010 with the 6 cylinder.  It's neither a true muscle car, nor is it very expensive.   
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline Freedom928

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Why did this Heather Heyer person die? What was she doing in the middle of the road? Now we know; she was giving a car driver a hard time preventing the driver from moving forward then when the 20 yo panicked and ran into the back of one of the cars she got pinned in. She should not have been there in the first place. The blame, IMHO, is on the shoulders of these anti-protesters who should not have been there in the first place. At best; this was an accident. No murder. No intent to harm. Just a lousy accident. See pic below.
Political Correctness Offends Me.

Offline edpc

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Why did this Heather Heyer person die? What was she doing in the middle of the road? Now we know; she was giving a car driver a hard time preventing the driver from moving forward then when the 20 yo panicked and ran into the back of one of the cars she got pinned in. She should not have been there in the first place. The blame, IMHO, is on the shoulders of these anti-protesters who should not have been there in the first place. At best; this was an accident. No murder. No intent to harm. Just a lousy accident. See pic below.

I'm not so sure. In this video, there is no one between the two cars. I think she is the person struck and flung over the silver car onto the windshield.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Silver Pines

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Maybe. Are you under the impression a fella can't change his mind. Besides; most that last post wasn't directed at you anyway. I doubt you would understand the nuances in the meaning since you don't understand the relationship a young man could have with his car. There's a slight possibility I could be wrong though.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...Your Honor...I submit to you that the defendant could not have killed her.  Yes, he's a loon, yes, he threatened his handicapped mother with a knife and yes, he struck her.  Yes, she called the cops on him more than once.  Yes, he was a known Nazi sympathizer. 

But I submit that he is innocent because he really liked that car's paint job."

Look, that was dumb as a rock the first time you said it, and it hasn't improved.  Also, your insistence on using it tells me you don't read what people post to you.  But you've been trying to absolve that murdering, mother-abusing piece of crap since yesterday.  And you're still at it.


Offline Axeslinger

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"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...Your Honor...I submit to you that the defendant could not have killed her.  Yes, he's a loon, yes, he threatened his handicapped mother with a knife and yes, he struck her.  Yes, she called the cops on him more than once.  Yes, he was a known Nazi sympathizer. 

But I submit that he is innocent because he really liked that car's paint job."

Look, that was dumb as a rock the first time you said it, and it hasn't improved.  Also, your insistence on using it tells me you don't read what people post to you.  But you've been trying to absolve that murdering, mother-abusing piece of crap since yesterday.  And you're still at it.



You forgot a part:  "bless your heart!"
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." - Thomas Jefferson

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Catherine is a long respected member here, she is in very good standing and an asset to this forum. She invited a number of Ted Cruz and perhaps other candidates supporters here. One should not question her. Take a walk, think about things and calm down and be respectful of others.

Offline Freedom928

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Catherine is a long respected member here, she is in very good standing and an asset to this forum. She invited a number of Ted Cruz and perhaps other candidates supporters here. One should not question her. Take a walk, think about things and calm down and be respectful of others.
You should be directing your comments about respect to her. She started this. Now here you are saying I should take my whipping like a good little boy because she's been here a minute longer than me. Harumph. She's wrong. I'm right. Better yet; let's see what the courts have to say once all the evidence is in. It sounds like there are actual antifa supporters here.  :nono: I thought this was a conservative forum. Apparently that is now in question.

Let me guess; you were a Cruz voter too? Him and Rubio, among others, were other bullets we dodged; thank God! We needed strong leadership to counteract all the damage caused by ole dumbo ears. We need our immigration laws enforced. We don't need a Prez who only enforces laws he likes. Only Trump, among the entire line up, is capable cleaning the swamp and even he can only start on it. You can tell we picked the right guy because all the right (wrong?) people hate him. The swamp is deep and full of garbage. Only a man who can't be bought or threatened can fix it. This is our last chance. If this doesn't work; say goodbye to the country you grew up with because it will be gone in a minute. They are already trying to do a whitewash on our history. I call that sedition and should be punishable by no less than 10 years on a hard labor work farm. No free rides in some cushy resort prison. That MO state senator calling for the assassination of President Trump should never see the light of day again. In the old days after the trial they would have just taken her out back and hung her right then. No sense in waiting.

This kid is wrongheaded for belonging to the white supremacist group, everyone can agree with that, but it isn't illegal. I'm going to post a picture of the actual criminal in this car thing. You can see the young white guy swinging a bat or large stick at the back of the car. It was right after that the kid took off to get away from the angry mob. Everyone also knows these leftist mobs can get very violent and have in the past. He was trying to save his own life. There's no question about it. The antifa people are the guilty party and that kid swinging the stick in particular. Everything that happens after that as a result is on the kid with the stick. The driver is completely innocent of any criminal wrongdoing. Anyone with 2 brain cells can see that. Look carefully at the faces of the antifa crowd. You can tell they see his White something or other shirt. You can see they are getting ready to go mob on him. If we can see that then the kid driving the car could see it too. His life was in danger. He may be an idiot for hooking up with the wrong crowd but he was smart enough to know his life was in danger. The second that stick hit the car he knew he had to beat feet and get away from this mob. Anyone who can't see that is in denial.
Political Correctness Offends Me.

Offline Freedom928

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Not only do I hope the driver beats this bum rap but I hope he sues the antifa group and the rich ahole who funds them, George Soros, and wins enough so he can take care of his mom and they never have to work again. Hopefully he will but if he can't find something that fits him; then they will still be okay.

I also hope he learned something about belonging to hate groups whether it's antifa or the KKK, both the same thing with opposing views, but ironically both leftists. Like Shia and Sunni Muslims. Crazy!

I call this a teachable moment. Now I just hope the Patriots stay away from these fake protest rallies between leftists in the future so the media can't lump them all together.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 05:34:56 am by Freedom928 »
Political Correctness Offends Me.

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You should be directing your comments about respect to her. She started this. Now here you are saying I should take my whipping like a good little boy because she's been here a minute longer than me. Harumph. She's wrong. I'm right. Better yet; let's see what the courts have to say once all the evidence is in. It sounds like there are actual antifa supporters here.  :nono: I thought this was a conservative forum. Apparently that is now in question.

Let me guess; you were a Cruz voter too? Him and Rubio, among others, were other bullets we dodged; thank God! We needed strong leadership to counteract all the damage caused by ole dumbo ears. We need our immigration laws enforced. We don't need a Prez who only enforces laws he likes. Only Trump, among the entire line up, is capable cleaning the swamp and even he can only start on it. You can tell we picked the right guy because all the right (wrong?) people hate him. The swamp is deep and full of garbage. Only a man who can't be bought or threatened can fix it. This is our last chance. If this doesn't work; say goodbye to the country you grew up with because it will be gone in a minute. They are already trying to do a whitewash on our history. I call that sedition and should be punishable by no less than 10 years on a hard labor work farm. No free rides in some cushy resort prison. That MO state senator calling for the assassination of President Trump should never see the light of day again. In the old days after the trial they would have just taken her out back and hung her right then. No sense in waiting.

This kid is wrongheaded for belonging to the white supremacist group, everyone can agree with that, but it isn't illegal. I'm going to post a picture of the actual criminal in this car thing. You can see the young white guy swinging a bat or large stick at the back of the car. It was right after that the kid took off to get away from the angry mob. Everyone also knows these leftist mobs can get very violent and have in the past. He was trying to save his own life. There's no question about it. The antifa people are the guilty party and that kid swinging the stick in particular. Everything that happens after that as a result is on the kid with the stick. The driver is completely innocent of any criminal wrongdoing. Anyone with 2 brain cells can see that. Look carefully at the faces of the antifa crowd. You can tell they see his White something or other shirt. You can see they are getting ready to go mob on him. If we can see that then the kid driving the car could see it too. His life was in danger. He may be an idiot for hooking up with the wrong crowd but he was smart enough to know his life was in danger. The second that stick hit the car he knew he had to beat feet and get away from this mob. Anyone who can't see that is in denial.


I'm the only person in the first world who hadn't seen video yet, so I'd assumed there was a real possibility of this being unintentional.

But, sorry, but the "pride and joy" hypothesis doesn't hold water now that ive seen the evidence. That wasn't a jumpy love-tap... If one is panicking, rigging for ramming speed (with enough room to get a good run) isn't the response you'll see.

If you have evidence that model of vehicle has no reverse gear, let us hear it.

You can tell we picked the right guy because all the right (wrong?) people hate him.

Now I can understand why you might be inclined toward a neo-nazi.  After all, the horrific Stalin was against Hitler, so by your reasoning, Hitler must have been right.

I would beg to differ with you on that. Your reasoning is fallacious.
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After all, the horrific Stalin was against Hitler, so by your reasoning, Hitler must have been right.


Stalin was for Hitler, before he was against Hitler.

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I'm not so sure. In this video, there is no one between the two cars. I think she is the person struck and flung over the silver car onto the windshield.
I have been having a hell of a time getting more than a few seonds of anything from Youtube to play on this machine, yet in the first few seconds of that one, it clearly shows the woman in the green top catapulted from behind the white car, over the roof and onto the hood of the white car by the impact from behind. You are correct, in that she was not caught between the white car and the minivan but knocked onto the cat by the suspect's vehicle, from behind.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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I'm the only person in the first world who hadn't seen video yet, so I'd assumed there was a real possibility of this being unintentional.

But, sorry, but the "pride and joy" hypothesis doesn't hold water now that ive seen the evidence. That wasn't a jumpy love-tap... If one is panicking, rigging for ramming speed (with enough room to get a good run) isn't the response you'll see.

If you have evidence that model of vehicle has no reverse gear, let us hear it.

Now I can understand why you might be inclined toward a neo-nazi.  After all, the horrific Stalin was against Hitler, so by your reasoning, Hitler must have been right.

I would beg to differ with you on that. Your reasoning is fallacious.

If you can't see the clear evidence this guy is innocent; there's nothing I can say to change your mind. We'll just have to hope the prosecutor pours over the mounds of evidence and comes to the same conclusion I did.

If somehow justice is corrupted and he is found guilty while the true guilty people in that antifa crowd walk; then those of us who believe God will at least know the faulty scales of justice on earth will be made right in heaven when this unfortunate kid gets there and those who did him wrong will be made to pay as well as those responsible. I can't stand what he was into that day but it's obvious he was at the wrong place at the wrong time and was just trying save his own skin. Obvious to me at least. Other opinions may vary.

Frankly I'm surprise at the reaction here. Again; I thought this was a conservative forum. I guess I was wrong. Conservatives are far more fair minded.
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It sounds like there are actual antifa supporters here. 

I thought this was a conservative forum. Apparently that is now in question.

Can't agree with the bold. Opposition to antifa-la-la is pretty much the default position here.

As for the italics, saddens me to say you haven't been the only one to pose that question.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 11:55:05 am by aligncare »

Silver Pines

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You forgot a part:  "bless your heart!"



I've only ever used that one to denote affection.  I guess I should hand in my Southern woman card because, as an insult, to me it seems weak.  *ducks*

Silver Pines

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You should be directing your comments about respect to her. She started this. Now here you are saying I should take my whipping like a good little boy because she's been here a minute longer than me. Harumph. She's wrong. I'm right. Better yet; let's see what the courts have to say once all the evidence is in. It sounds like there are actual antifa supporters here.  :nono: I thought this was a conservative forum. Apparently that is now in question.

Let me guess; you were a Cruz voter too? Him and Rubio, among others, were other bullets we dodged; thank God! We needed strong leadership to counteract all the damage caused by ole dumbo ears. We need our immigration laws enforced. We don't need a Prez who only enforces laws he likes. Only Trump, among the entire line up, is capable cleaning the swamp and even he can only start on it. You can tell we picked the right guy because all the right (wrong?) people hate him. The swamp is deep and full of garbage. Only a man who can't be bought or threatened can fix it. This is our last chance. If this doesn't work; say goodbye to the country you grew up with because it will be gone in a minute. They are already trying to do a whitewash on our history. I call that sedition and should be punishable by no less than 10 years on a hard labor work farm. No free rides in some cushy resort prison. That MO state senator calling for the assassination of President Trump should never see the light of day again. In the old days after the trial they would have just taken her out back and hung her right then. No sense in waiting.

This kid is wrongheaded for belonging to the white supremacist group, everyone can agree with that, but it isn't illegal. I'm going to post a picture of the actual criminal in this car thing. You can see the young white guy swinging a bat or large stick at the back of the car. It was right after that the kid took off to get away from the angry mob. Everyone also knows these leftist mobs can get very violent and have in the past. He was trying to save his own life. There's no question about it. The antifa people are the guilty party and that kid swinging the stick in particular. Everything that happens after that as a result is on the kid with the stick. The driver is completely innocent of any criminal wrongdoing. Anyone with 2 brain cells can see that. Look carefully at the faces of the antifa crowd. You can tell they see his White something or other shirt. You can see they are getting ready to go mob on him. If we can see that then the kid driving the car could see it too. His life was in danger. He may be an idiot for hooking up with the wrong crowd but he was smart enough to know his life was in danger. The second that stick hit the car he knew he had to beat feet and get away from this mob. Anyone who can't see that is in denial.


@TomSea's post was pure sarcasm (and I'm actually kind of proud of him, because it's pretty well done and I wouldn't have thought him capable).  Didn't the "don't question her" part clue you in even a little?  This is an open forum.  It isn't TOS, where some bellowing yahoo bans you for daring to ask questions.

So you're a true believer...still trusting in Trump the magic man to drain the swamp when he's created his own.  I'll bet you were one of those yelling "Goldman-Sachs" at Cruz and his wife.  Lol, do you know how many GS people Trump has brought in? 

You're right, belonging to a Nazi group isn't illegal.


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I have been having a hell of a time getting more than a few seonds of anything from Youtube to play on this machine, yet in the first few seconds of that one, it clearly shows the woman in the green top catapulted from behind the white car, over the roof and onto the hood of the white car by the impact from behind. You are correct, in that she was not caught between the white car and the minivan but knocked onto the car by the suspect's vehicle, from behind.

It also lines up with the eyewitness statement of the black male in the white shirt pictured tumbling over the car.  He and his fiancée were friends with Heyer.  They were marching together near the rear of the silver car when Fields approached.  He shoved his fiancée out of the way and suffered fractures to his lower left leg.  You can see it being flexed and pronated is the picture.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Silver Pines

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Not only do I hope the driver beats this bum rap but I hope he sues the antifa group and the rich ahole who funds them, George Soros, and wins enough so he can take care of his mom and they never have to work again. Hopefully he will but if he can't find something that fits him; then they will still be okay.

I also hope he learned something about belonging to hate groups whether it's antifa or the KKK, both the same thing with opposing views, but ironically both leftists. Like Shia and Sunni Muslims. Crazy!

I call this a teachable moment. Now I just hope the Patriots stay away from these fake protest rallies between leftists in the future so the media can't lump them all together.


It's immoral to want a killer to get off scot-free because of tribalism.  When you reach that point, you've become what you hate.

You don't want football players at protests?  They have rights, too.

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It's immoral to want a killer to get off scot-free because of tribalism.  When you reach that point, you've become what you hate.

It also leads to ever more intrusive government. Racist juries refusing to convict obviously guilty men of murder of blacks led to federalizing of race crimes. It was the right of those juries to refuse to convict but their immorality led to new federal venues being chosen where convictions were guaranteed.


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You should be directing your comments about respect to her. She started this. Now here you are saying I should take my whipping like a good little boy because she's been here a minute longer than me. Harumph. She's wrong. I'm right. Better yet; let's see what the courts have to say once all the evidence is in. It sounds like there are actual antifa supporters here.  :nono: I thought this was a conservative forum. Apparently that is now in question.

Let me guess; you were a Cruz voter too? Him and Rubio, among others, were other bullets we dodged; thank God! We needed strong leadership to counteract all the damage caused by ole dumbo ears. We need our immigration laws enforced. We don't need a Prez who only enforces laws he likes. Only Trump, among the entire line up, is capable cleaning the swamp and even he can only start on it. You can tell we picked the right guy because all the right (wrong?) people hate him. The swamp is deep and full of garbage. Only a man who can't be bought or threatened can fix it. This is our last chance. If this doesn't work; say goodbye to the country you grew up with because it will be gone in a minute. They are already trying to do a whitewash on our history. I call that sedition and should be punishable by no less than 10 years on a hard labor work farm. No free rides in some cushy resort prison. That MO state senator calling for the assassination of President Trump should never see the light of day again. In the old days after the trial they would have just taken her out back and hung her right then. No sense in waiting.

This kid is wrongheaded for belonging to the white supremacist group, everyone can agree with that, but it isn't illegal. I'm going to post a picture of the actual criminal in this car thing. You can see the young white guy swinging a bat or large stick at the back of the car. It was right after that the kid took off to get away from the angry mob. Everyone also knows these leftist mobs can get very violent and have in the past. He was trying to save his own life. There's no question about it. The antifa people are the guilty party and that kid swinging the stick in particular. Everything that happens after that as a result is on the kid with the stick. The driver is completely innocent of any criminal wrongdoing. Anyone with 2 brain cells can see that. Look carefully at the faces of the antifa crowd. You can tell they see his White something or other shirt. You can see they are getting ready to go mob on him. If we can see that then the kid driving the car could see it too. His life was in danger. He may be an idiot for hooking up with the wrong crowd but he was smart enough to know his life was in danger. The second that stick hit the car he knew he had to beat feet and get away from this mob. Anyone who can't see that is in denial.

You are one sick little puppy. 

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You are one sick little puppy.

Well lets not forget that the site posted in the original post is an alt right / neonazi site with a PepeTrump logo at the top and cannot be considered a legitimate source of info

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I'm afraid you're wrong @Freedom928

You can see this same individual hitting the car at the 2:03 mark in the video that @edpc posted above:

In that video three things are clear AND indisputable: 

He drove at far higher than safe speed into a street crowded with people.
THEN his car was hit by the individual above (2:03 point in video)
At no point did he hit his brakes (the lights never even flickered)

Any continued argument only embarrasses you.  When you find yourself in a hole, first stop digging.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2017, 01:22:57 pm by Axeslinger »
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." - Thomas Jefferson