Author Topic: The battle of Charlottesville: A continuing discussion thread about the War between the States  (Read 195479 times)

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Moron ruined his car, his life, and ended someone else's life. In a split second decision. Could have been hanging out with a girlfriend, or hanging at the beach.

We all have choices.

Life is full of choices.  Some chose poorly.

Offline edpc

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Moron ruined his car, his life, and ended someone else's life. In a split second decision. Could have been hanging out with a girlfriend, or hanging at the beach.

We all have choices.

I've seen the fascist/white supremacist groupie chicks.  They don't look like Fairuza Balk in American History X.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline dfwgator

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I've seen the fascist/white supremacist groupie chicks.  They don't look like Fairuza Balk in American History X.

Well most of them are latent homosexuals anyway (not that there's anything wrong with that).


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Well most of them are latent homosexuals anyway (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Fair enough is you can vouch for them.

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She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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oh crap i am going to bed i thought it said latex homosexuals

Those are probably available in the Castro District.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.


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oh crap i am going to bed i thought it said latex homosexuals

At this point, the road crew, as all road crews must from time to time,
borrow some of the big rock group's equipment and have a blues jam
session, indicating to the kneeling maidens that they are endowed with
a great deal of raw talent, as well as massive meat....

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Yep. I'm sure most of the size is for batteries and memory.  I've seen smaller ones, but it seems those would have short battery life. 

The one in that pic seems to be common from other images I'm finding.


Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Sorry.  Fitting Cops with Cams are all the rage now.  That's how they found out why Mohamed Noor shot Justine Damond


I know,and IMHO any cop in a populated area that doesn't wear one is nuts. You can play the film and the truth is there for everyone to see.

The only cops I have any contact with are local rural cops,and none of them wear the cameras because we haven't had the sort of problems most cities have.

It's coming,though. It's only a matter of time.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Small problem.  They volunteered to enter the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, key words being perpetual union.

Key words being "They VOLUNTEERED".

Later, that was superseded by the US Constitution, which they ratified, and had an Article 1 Section 10 stating -

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

True,but once they exercised their RIGHT to secede from the Union,they were no longer states,and no clause of the US Constitution applied to them.

The Union was like a marriage. Promises were made and agreements reached. If at any time in the future the Union violated the rights of the states,the states had a right to get a divorce (secede).
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Rivergirl

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Or we could look back at the Trump campaign and see the slurs against HRC......dollar bills floating around a jewish star that DT insisted was only a sheriff's badge.  The references to Goldman Sachs (oh the irony), and Trump's insistence that he didn't know anything about David Duke.   I am sure there were other subtle and not so subtle anti semitic inferences.
We can pretend there is no danger in Unite the Right and other alt-right actions........but we do so at our own peril.   Unless there are those who are unfazed by the coming plight of the Jewish people.

Offline Cripplecreek

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Or we could look back at the Trump campaign and see the slurs against HRC......dollar bills floating around a jewish star that DT insisted was only a sheriff's badge.  The references to Goldman Sachs (oh the irony), and Trump's insistence that he didn't know anything about David Duke.   I am sure there were other subtle and not so subtle anti semitic inferences.
We can pretend there is no danger in Unite the Right and other alt-right actions........but we do so at our own peril.   Unless there are those who are unfazed by the coming plight of the Jewish people.

The coming plight of all decent people.

Offline sneakypete

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Yep, my friend. People are people, and the one universal truth of people is anything they organise, no matter how noble or inspiring, eventually becomes evil.


If there is ONE "universal truth" that applies to all people and all nations everywhere it is that people who seek power over others are people who love having power over others. They might claim,and even believe themselves that they want to lead because they want to make things better for everyone,but that is only a small part of the bigger truth,which is they seek power so they can exercise power.

Up until recent decades,America was pretty unique in that we had the ability and the will to limit those who sought power and abused it. Those days are over. The REAL power in America today lies in the hands of the media and the mobs they agitate. Elected leaders are mere figureheads.

To put it in plainer language,we are now ruled by Mob Rule,and the people who own and control the media own and control the mobs.

Proof of that is even Trump is afraid to mention black or leftist violence by name,and the media is howling after him like a wolf pack that smells blood,trying to get him to name the "other hate groups whose violence he mentioned".

It is now no longer acceptable to criticize or demonize anyone but conservatives,and as much as white conservatives are abused,non-white conservatives almost need to be put into the political equivalent of witness protection programs to protect them from physical attack by the "peace-loving left".

IF/WHEN the revolution finally happens,the very first people that need to tracked down and hanged where found are the members of the media. The ONLY difference between them and the Nazi Propaganda Ministry of the Nazi's is the Nazi's loved snappy uniforms and had an official public leader that made public appearances and gave speeches. We have Soros and a few others,and they hide in the shadows and send others out to do their dirty work for them and to take all the risks.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Or we could look back at the Trump campaign and see the slurs against HRC......dollar bills floating around a jewish star that DT insisted was only a sheriff's badge.  The references to Goldman Sachs (oh the irony), and Trump's insistence that he didn't know anything about David Duke.   I am sure there were other subtle and not so subtle anti semitic inferences.
We can pretend there is no danger in Unite the Right and other alt-right actions........but we do so at our own peril.   Unless there are those who are unfazed by the coming plight of the Jewish people.

Lots of mixed messages. Trump is a fairly strong Israel supporter, and so is Steve Bannon. Hard to figure out.

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edpc wrote above (quoting the Declaration):

@edpc  @Fishrrman

"Except the Confederacy didn't believe in this part....
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Complete and utter BullBush. You obviously believe the secession was about slavery,and it wasn't. No bigger authority on the issue than Abraham Lincoln himself said he would have been content to allow slavery to continue to exist if that would have been the price paid to maintain the union.

In FACT, General US Grant,the commanding General of the Union Army owned slaves himself,and didn't free them until after the war ended and a law was passed making it illegal to own slaves.

In FACT,Lincoln didn't free a single slave in his life.

In FACT,the Emancipation Proclamation did NOT end slavery and did not free ONE SINGLE SLAVE because it wasn't anything more than a tactic used to try to get the slaves in the south to revolt and start murdering their masters in order to weaken the Confederate Army due to Officers deserting to go home to defend their families.

The ONLY slaves "freed" by the Emancipation Proclamation were the slaves held in the south,and at that time the southern states had already seceded,and Lincoln and the northern courts had no dominion over them.

Yet school children have been taught those lies were the truth ever since Mr.Lincolns War ended,and are still being taught that lie today.

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Seeing some of the comments on the videos is highly disturbing to me. Cheering on running someone over with a car? These are supposed "conservatives"?

@Weird Tolkienish Figure

No,they're not. They don't even claim to be conservatives. The ones cheering are proud to announce they are Nazi's or some other form of cretin.

It is the MEDIA that calls them conservatives,and unfortunately,we have no one with balls in public office because if we did,they would stand up on their hind legs and call them on it.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline edpc

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The Union was like a marriage. Promises were made and agreements reached. If at any time in the future the Union violated the rights of the states,the states had a right to get a divorce (secede).

Interesting example.  When you're married and things go badly, one partner just can't say 'OK, we're divorced' and walk away without consequence.  Especially if it's contested by the other.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

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Moron ruined his car, his life, and ended someone else's life. In a split second decision. Could have been hanging out with a girlfriend, or hanging at the beach.

We all have choices.

@Weird Tolkienish Figure

I am NOT defending that guy or excusing him,but I'm not so sure he had any choices.  I strongly suspect he is legally and actually insane,and incapable of being rational.

Having said that,I sincerely hope he remains locked away for the rest of his life. It may not be PC to say this,but people that far gone to sea never find their way back to shore. He will never be a rational being if he lives another hundred years. The BEST he can be is sedated.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Could have been hanging out with a girlfriend

Or a boyfriend,   you know those Nazis and their tendency to be latent homosexuals.


That does seem to be a "thing" with them,doesn't it?

I think it must be all that leather. Brings them in like bees to sugar water.
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Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Or we could look back at the Trump campaign and see the slurs against HRC......dollar bills floating around a jewish star that DT insisted was only a sheriff's badge.  The references to Goldman Sachs (oh the irony), and Trump's insistence that he didn't know anything about David Duke.   I am sure there were other subtle and not so subtle anti semitic inferences.
We can pretend there is no danger in Unite the Right and other alt-right actions........but we do so at our own peril.   Unless there are those who are unfazed by the coming plight of the Jewish people.


Trump has Jewish children and grandchildren,and you are STILL so freaking desperate to condemn him that you dare to call him anti-Semitic?

Have you people no sense of shame at all?
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Complete and utter BullBush. You obviously believe the secession was about slavery,and it wasn't.

Not completely, but it was a huge component and you don't have to look any further than the Cornerstone Speech given by Alexander Stephens to know it.  The idea a group of people can be subjugated because of their supposed natural inferiority is absurd and obscene.  Quit defending the indefensible.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

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Interesting example.  When you're married and things go badly, one partner just can't say 'OK, we're divorced' and walk away without consequence.  Especially if it's contested by the other.


Sure you can. Marriage doesn't turn you into a slave,even if it seems that way. You may still be LEGALLY married,but there is no law requiring you to live with your spouse,and I am betting a good lawyer that wasn't afraid of being murdered by divorce lawyers could make and win a case that it is un-constitutional for one marriage partner to refuse to allow the other marriage partner a divorce because that amounts to slavery.

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!