Author Topic: The battle of Charlottesville: A continuing discussion thread about the War between the States  (Read 195500 times)

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Oh, please.  These idiots are no threat.   99.9% of the country think think they're idiots.  Let them have their little circle jerk.

Even when one of them puts actions to words and kills?

Offline sneakypete

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The name is taken from the historical fact of the Revolutionary war, that only 3% of the existing population took an active role in our Independence.  Many are Militia and a good number are ex-mil.  Not affiliated directly with Oathkeepers, but many Oathkeepers also identify as 3 Percenters.

Usually you can find patches with roman numeral 3 inside the stars of a Betsy Ross flag or the stars and bars.


Ok,thanks. I didn't know that. I did know about the low actual participation in the Revolutionary War,but I don't recall a big deal being made about it back then.

Then again,I guess it wasn't as relevant in the 1950's and 1960's as it is today.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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One of the counter-demonstrators, antifa side, had some sort of little flamethrower. There is that photo out there too if it is authentic. If the opposition is armed with that, it's not exactly something that one can ignore.

I'm sure and especially since it was a college town, there were probably a lot of innocent parties on the counter-protesters side and likely on the Unite the Right side as well.

A lot of people probably just showed up to see what would happen.

Offline dfwgator

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One of the counter-demonstrators, antifa side, had some sort of little flamethrower. There is that photo out there too if it is authentic. If the opposition is armed with that, it's not exactly something that one can ignore.

I'm sure and especially since it was a college town, there were probably a lot of innocent parties on the counter-protesters side and likely on the Unite the Right side as well.

A lot of people probably just showed up to see what would happen.

It's starting to look like the streets of Berlin, circa 1930, with Nazis and Communists brawling in the streets.

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  So by your definition any fight between anybody in a country is a civil war.  You better rethink that line as it don't hold mustard.Ever read about how Lincoln went to such great lengths to prevent that, so much he was willing to risk war with the British by taking one of its ships at sea?

I know, you won't call that Union Agression either, will you?

It's not my definition, it's the definition.  Check a dictionary. 

As for the Trent affair, they ran a blockade and had belligerents on board.  What else would you expect to happen?  They were sent on their way, not 'seized.'  There was no real risk of war with Britain for many reasons.  They needed the grain shipments coming from NY, they had closer concerns occurring in Europe, and heavy British investing had been put into American railroads.

The point is, they didn't achieve recognition from anyone, most importantly, the US government.  The Union flag started the war with 33 stars and ended with 35.  It was a civil war by clear definition and the south lost.  They don't get to call it other things due to butthurtedness over it.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

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It's starting to look like the streets of Berlin, circa 1930, with Nazis and Communists brawling in the streets.

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Offline sneakypete

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First - my opinion is that Trump is about as racist as a lump of limestone. In other words, not in the slightest - he gives damn one about the green, not the colour or religion of hand that's holding it.


WHAT??? How DARE YOU suggest this man with Jewish children and grandchildren isn't a Neo-Nazi!

Gee,you would almost think that at least one of the "uber intelligent and informed" talking heads on one of the Sunday news shows would have thought of this and mentioned it,wouldn't you?

Or the FACT that the real racists have  been damning him since Day One for having Jews and blacks in his cabinet. (extreme sarcasm alert!)

At the same time, I can sort of see a reasoning behind being slow to denounce (he DID denounce Duke during the primaries  in the end, just way too slowly) above and beyond the "any publicity is good publicity" mindset he has.

I think the real "problem" here,which I consider to be an asset,is that he is not a career politician,and this means he more tuned into results than he is public opinion. He does what he thinks is the right thing to do,and is totally deaf to how this will be played in the media.

He does seem to be learning,though.

The left have their shock troops, their emminently disposable useful idiots. Why shouldn't the right? It's twisted, but it's a possible. Bannon is certainly capable of being that cynical.


Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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It's starting to look like the streets of Berlin, circa 1930, with Nazis and Communists brawling in the streets.

Yep. And initially they were a very small minority but people were egged on and 'encouraged' to take sides.  There was a lot of propaganda that you are either 'with x or you support y' from both sides. It blew up into  basically philosophical tribal warfare and the rest is history.

Offline dfwgator

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Yep. And initially they were a very small minority but people were egged on and 'encouraged' to take sides.  There was a lot of propaganda that you are either 'with x or you support y' from both sides. It blew up into  basically philosophical tribal warfare and the rest is history.

Yep, two groups of leftists.

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If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

Offline TomSea

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Because of what happened in Greenesboro NC in 1979; it was in the back of my mind that something again could happen yesterday:


Four local TV news camera teams arrived at the Morningside Homes at the corner of Carver and Everitt streets to cover the protest march. Members of the CWP and other anti-Klan supporters gathered to rally the march, which was planned to proceed through the city to the Greensboro City Hall.

As the marchers collected, a caravan of ten cars (and a van) filled with an estimated 40 KKK and American Nazi Party members drove back and forth in front of the housing project. Several marchers beat at the cars with picket sticks or threw rocks at them. In response, the KKK and ANP members got out of their cars, took shotguns, rifles and pistols from the trunks, and fired into the crowd of protesters.

Perhaps, I'm wrong to even draw the two incidences together. 5 deaths in that, so even worse.

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Yep. And initially they were a very small minority but people were egged on and 'encouraged' to take sides.  There was a lot of propaganda that you are either 'with x or you support y' from both sides. It blew up into  basically philosophical tribal warfare and the rest is history.

It's where we are heading, and most insist that kind of thing 'can never happen here'.

Usually followed by a comment regarding a tinfoil haberdashery.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

Online Hoodat

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Because of what happened in Greenesboro NC in 1979; it was in the back of my mind that something again could happen yesterday:

I remember many years back here in Atlanta that some local Klan group applied for a permit to march in College Park.  COLLEGE PARK !!!  Talk about suicidal tendencies.  Anyway, the most impressive part of the ordeal was civil rights icon Hosea Williams asking the Klan leader during a TV interview if he could join them in a lawsuit giving them the right to march.

At that moment, Williams became my favorite Atlanta politician of all time.  The man stood on principle.  Don't get me wrong.  I don't think Hosea should ever have been allowed to drive a car again considering his DUI history.  But the man spoke with integrity which is so refreshing in this political climate.

Another incident from this same event has also stuck out in my mind.  Some pre-march Klan protesters were protesting somewhere in South Fulton county.  One was brandishing a Confederate battle flag.  I will never forget some man charging forward and snatching that flag out of his hands and yelling 'How dare you use this flag as a symbol of the KKK'.  It was an act of courage that I will never forget.

Anyway, the Klan never got their permit to march in College Park (smart move) although they did get a permit to march in downtown Atlanta.  On march day, less than a dozen had the courage to show up, surrounded by 200 state troopers with full riot gear, and tens of thousands of Atlantans expressing their displeasure with their march.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

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Usually followed by a comment regarding a tinfoil haberdashery.

More accurately and specifically, a tinfoil milliner.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

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I am guessing you didn't notice or didn't want to acknowledge the many pics of the idiots in robes at this rally.

You are right. I didn't. What I DID notice is that the minority wearing the robes and carrying the Nazi flags were given more focus than the vast majority of the protesters that were NOT wearing costumes.

I will admit I didn't search out videos of this,though. I just looked at what happened to appear before me on tv when I was watching the news.

I stand 100% behind every post in this thread.

Ok. You have as much right to be wrong as anyone else.

I am a southern preservationist for any reasons (including my tagline), and absolutely detest the Klan and their ilk for hijacking the CBF, and creating the backlash toward icons of southern heritage.

I'm with ya on that one,as long as you are talking about what passes for the KKK these days. The original Klan came into existence because after the War of Northern Aggression ended,the typical white southerner had NO police or legal protection at all after all the sheriff,judicial,and political positions were filled with northerners who"had friends in high places". Some were radical abolitionists who really and truly hated the idea of slavery and hated all white southerners because they held them all responsible for it,but most were nothing more than common thieves whose sole focus was seizing and selling property for back taxes at unannounced sales to friends and relatives.

The woman that raised me was born in 1910. Her parents both died in the flue epidemic of 1918. She was 8,and her sister was 6. Their ancestors were Scots-Irish.

There was no such thing as a social services department back then OTHER than the KKK. They were still the shadow government during the first half of the 20th century. Anyway,what happened was the Klan knew there were two little girls that needed a home that had nowhere to live,and they also knew of a one-legged Civil War veteran that was living by himself,and needed help. So they decided the thing to do was to put them together. They took my mother and her sister over to his house and told him,and I quote my mother "Old man,these two little girls need a place to live,and you need someone to cook,clean and keep you company. We are going to leave them here to help you,and you are going to be held responsible for feeding,clothing,and sending them to school.",and left.

This worked and then a short while later word got back to the Klan that the girls weren't going to school,and the old man was drinking and gambling his pension away.

My mother told me that one Friday night the Klan showed up on horseback with their robes and burning torches,and called the old man and girls out into the yard and told him "We have heard you are not sending these girls to school or treating them right. This stops now. The next time we hear this we are going to come back,tie you t that tree on the corner of your yard,and horsewhip you until my arm is tired.",and left.

My mother told me they never again had a minute of trouble from that old man right up to the day he died.

BTW,I now own the land where that old man lived,and am the third member of my family to have bought it. I am sitting right now about 50 feet from where that tree stood. It was still standing when I bought this property. So was the house she and her sister lived in.

I am telling you this because THIS is the sort of thing the KKK was organized to do. Yes,they did lynch some blacks. The reason they did was because in some areas the appointed sheriffs would refuse to arrest blacks that abused whites,and either the Klan hanged the rapists and murderers,or they went unpunished. They also hanged white rapists and murderers for the same reason,but the media will never mention this. After all,it's not like they had courtrooms and jails to try them and lock them up in.

The "modern" KKK is an entirely different organization,though. Truth to tell,it was taken over by the FBI and the alleged Justice Department starting in the late 1920's and early 1930's because the Republicans in the North saw them as a political force that would keep the Dixie-crats in power forever,and because they were extending their reach into the north with events like the KKK March on DC in the 1920's,and it had the northern elites terrified they were going to lose political power and access to the Treasury.

Things didn't really get rolling downhill until the Kennedy Klan took over control of the feral goobermint in the early 60's. By the late 50's most Klan groups were under the direction of FBI/Justice Dept informants,and that was when the stuff like bombing black churches started happening. Think about this for a minute,do you REALLY believe that "Gawd-fearing!" southern citizens in the freaking Bible Belt would actually bomb churches?

People that went to the Church of Lenin has no such moral restrictions,though,and starting with King Franklin,they started gaining political power and gaining career political positions. They,nor anyone else ever tried to screw with Hoover much because he had the dirt on EVERYBODY while he was alive,but once he died there was no one in public office really fighting the left other than McCarthy,and after seeing what the left got away with doing to him,the rest of the people inclined to oppose the left remained silent. 

Didn't expect an apology in any case.

I apologize when I think I have been proven wrong,but I NEVER apologize in order to "get along". I'm not on any of these political boards to make friends. I come to them to point out truths where I think they are being overlooked. Lots of times they are "unpopular truths",but their popularity has nothing to do with it.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 04:51:46 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline edpc

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I remember many years back here in Atlanta that some local Klan group applied for a permit to march in College Park.  COLLEGE PARK !!!  Talk about suicidal tendencies.  Anyway, the most impressive part of the ordeal was civil rights icon Hosea Williams asking the Klan leader during a TV interview if he could join them in a lawsuit giving them the right to march.

At that moment, Williams became my favorite Atlanta politician of all time.  The man stood on principle.  Don't get me wrong.  I don't think Hosea should ever have been allowed to drive a car again considering his DUI history.  But the man spoke with integrity which is so refreshing in this political climate.

Another incident from this same event has also stuck out in my mind.  Some pre-march Klan protesters were protesting somewhere in South Fulton county.  One was brandishing a Confederate battle flag.  I will never forget some man charging forward and snatching that flag out of his hands and yelling 'How dare you use this flag as a symbol of the KKK'.  It was an act of courage that I will never forget.

Anyway, the Klan never got their permit to march in College Park (smart move) although they did get a permit to march in downtown Atlanta.  On march day, less than a dozen had the courage to show up, surrounded by 200 state troopers with full riot gear, and tens of thousands of Atlantans expressing their displeasure with their march.

Then you may remember how Carter cozied up to racist elements during his 1970 run for GA governor.  It's OK and excusable when Democrats do it.

Leroy Johnson, a black state Senator, voiced his support for Carter, saying, "I understand why he ran that kind of ultra-conservative campaign. ... I don't believe you can win this state without being a racist."
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

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Even when one of them puts actions to words and kills?

I thought it was bad to blame an entire group for the actions of one least that's what I hear every time there is a Muslim act of terror.

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I thought it was bad to blame an entire group for the actions of one least that's what I hear every time there is a Muslim act of terror.

Just wait and see what kind of elements show up outside the courthouse when his trial begins.

Should be a real mostrar de merde.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

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Just wait and see what kind of elements show up outside the courthouse when his trial begins.

Should be a real mostrar de merde.

I think there's a greater-than-zero chance this guy doesn't live to see his trial.

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Just wait and see what kind of elements show up outside the courthouse when his trial begins.

Should be a real mostrar de merde.


It will primarily be attention whores from both the far right and the left,and it's going to be an absolute nightmare for the local sheriff and his deputies.

If you watch it on tv,try to focus your attention more on the people in the background,on the fringes,than on the fools up front. Those are the people,like McAulliff's son in the northwest,that organized and paid for the anarchists to show up.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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I think there's a greater-than-zero chance this guy doesn't live to see his trial.


Not a chance. There will  be too much media attention focused on him for the sheriffs department to take any chances. That goober is going into the locked room in the closest state mental institution or prison,and he's going to be watched 24/7.

Chances are his next stop from there will be a federal prison because you can bet your bippy he is going to be facing federal prosecution for civil rights charges,and once there he will never be seen or heard from again. Once people get life sentences at federal prisons,they just disappear forever. The only time we will hear about him after that is when his obit is published after he dies from natural causes or suicides out.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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It will primarily be attention whores from both the far right and the left,and it's going to be an absolute nightmare for the local sheriff and his deputies.

If you watch it on tv,try to focus your attention more on the people in the background,on the fringes,than on the fools up front. Those are the people,like McAulliff's son in the northwest,that organized and paid for the anarchists to show up.

 I'm guessing there'll also be a change of venue. Perhaps Richmond.
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

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Oh, please.  These idiots are no threat.   99.9% of the country think think they're idiots.  Let them have their little circle jerk.

Or we could simply use the images and hysteria to smear the president as being aligned with racists. Yeah, that'll help move the right's agenda forward.

Sure it will.