Author Topic: The battle of Charlottesville: A continuing discussion thread about the War between the States  (Read 195460 times)

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Offline sneakypete

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Skokie case decided in favor of KKK's free speech rights, by the US Supreme Court.

The KKK was historically affiliated with the democrat party, was obviously racist and anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, etc.

It is a scurrilous smear, to falsely associate them with this President, or with Republicans now, or ever. It is, ironically, what democrats do.


Thank you!
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Offline Cripplecreek

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Like it or not it was the KKK that applied for the permit. They are vermin.  Any vets or true conservatives should have avoided that demonstration like the plague and held their own some other time/place.  If you want to defend scum on either side go ahead but I refuse to.  Lie down with dogs get up with fleas.

Klan Republic is in denial and claiming it was a Soros false flag.

Offline edpc

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I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Online Hoodat

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So,you suddenly believe the media when they tell you all the white people marching to preserve the Lee statue are Kluxxers and Neo-Nazi's?

Well,HELL,WHY NOT? After all,the leftist media would never lie to manipulate public opinion,would they?

This has been going on for a few weeks.  It didn't start today.

The KKK rally in Charlottesville was outnumbered by counterprotesters

By Ralph Ellis, CNN     |     Updated 3:14 AM ET, Mon July 10, 2017

A Ku Klux Klan rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, drew about 50 Klan members and supporters Saturday -- and several hundred counterprotesters, authorities said.
Members of the North Carolina-based Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan -- some wearing Klan robes and carrying Confederate flags -- arrived in midday to protest the city's plan to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from a park, one of several steps the city is taking to reduce its number of Confederate monuments.

Some Klansmen had said they would carry loaded firearms -- allowable under Virginia's open-carry law.

They were confronted by shouting counterprotesters as tensions ratcheted up and a large group of law enforcement officers, including members of the state police, set up police lines.
Police escorted the Klansmen through the shouting crowds to reach their designated spot for a demonstration: Justice Park, which until recently had been named after Confederate hero Gen. Stonewall Jackson.
About 1,000 counterprotesters were there, said city spokeswoman Miriam Dickler.  .  .  .
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

Online corbe

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Kristin, the sister of Sue Ellen - a character so minor, the reveal was the biggest disappointment in TV plot writing.  Then, they outdid themselves with the 'dream season.'

   I liked the @sneakypete theory, you just know that guy is capable and he was in Texas at that time, or so I've heard.
   I've heard he played in Oswald's Band, before Rafael got the gig.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline Mom MD

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Klan Republic is in denial and claiming it was a Soros false flag.

Of course they are.  They don't want the blame either. In the end this protest has been identified with the KKK for a number of weeks, and whoever marched with them is going to be painted with that brush.  Any true patriots who wanted to demonstrate should have sought their own event.  And no one is saying the KKK is a right wing organization @sneakypete   I think we all remember senator "sheets" Byrd and which side of the aisle he sat on.
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Offline Smokin Joe

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Quote from "Time:"

"Officials say" is no longer sufficient for me.  They lie.   No reasons were given in the article for this assertion.
Just flying over an event on patrol is not enough of a link to attribute a crash that may have resulted from any number of things to the group holding the rally. Without a cause of the crash that tracks back to someone affiliated taking action to make the crash happen, the link is only coincidental. The crash could have resulted from aerial traffic surveys or vehicle pursuit activity and they would not have called it 'linked to traffic' or the result of a high speed chase.

Someone is fishing for a higher body count without the cause of the crash being known unless they have evidence that actions taken by people on the ground caused the crash.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Offline sneakypete

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Realizing political realities is not necessarily racist.


When communists rule the media and the political arena,telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

I'd be willing to bet that 99 percent of the counter protesters still think the War of Northern Aggression was about eliminating slavery.
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Offline sneakypete

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Exactly, the media saw this as a good opportunity to link the White Supremacist marchers with Trump.  That's the only reason they were interested in covering it.


Trump is nothing but a minor player. The core reason they did this is it gave them yet one more excuse to label ALL whites who don't suck up to the left as racist neo-Nazi's.

And shockingly to me,even most of the people here seem to be buying into it.
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Offline sneakypete

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Meanwhile more people protest at Planned Parenthood offices everyday, and the media never mentions them.


Those protests run counter to their agenda,so they are going to ignore them.
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Offline sneakypete

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Can someone tell me why so many of the college-age protest crowd always carries backpacks to these things? Is it because they want a change of clothes to escape if someone rips the red bandanas off their faces?

Seems like it's ALWAYS the leftists wearing backpacks at these things,even when they are the ones marching.
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Offline sneakypete

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I grew up less than 30 miles from here.  Robert E. Lee has always been a hero to me.  And now these white-supremacist Klucker assholes have ruined any chance of keeping these monuments up throughout the Commonwealth.


You're kidding,right?

You seriously believe the press reports that all those protesters were kluxxers and nazi's?


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Offline Cripplecreek

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Of course they are.  They don't want the blame either. In the end this protest has been identified with the KKK for a number of weeks, and whoever marched with them is going to be painted with that brush.  Any true patriots who wanted to demonstrate should have sought their own event.  And no one is saying the KKK is a right wing organization @sneakypete   I think we all remember senator "sheets" Byrd and which side of the aisle he sat on.

The problem here is that these alt right neonazis ARE Trump supporters. The fact that they're traditionally democrat doesn't mean squat especially since Trump is only marginally republican in the first place.

Offline sneakypete

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Quite honestly a lot of the blame needs to be put at the feet of the Hard Left SJW types who insist on trying to erase history.


Honestly,there is no one else that can be blamed for it,with the exception of their political masters,who ARE the hard left leadership.
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Offline Mom MD

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The problem here is that these alt right neonazis ARE Trump supporters. The fact that they're traditionally democrat doesn't mean squat especially since Trump is only marginally republican in the first place.

Trump and his supporters need to denounce these scum loudly and long.  No one can be blamed if repugnant people support them, but they can be blamed if they do not disavow that support.  And we have Trump supporters here trying to defend their actions. 
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Offline INVAR

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Why would you say that? Are you so ignorant you swallow the swill the press puts out that the whites were all neo-Nazi's Kluxxers attacking the saintly Black Lives Matter and Communists with their heads?
...Gee,do ya think that MAYBE that is why the talking heads and the politicians are identifying all the white people there as neo-Nazi's and Kluxxers?

I'd be willing to bet money there was a MUCH higher percentage of veterans in the crowd wanting to preserve our history than the leftist swine that want to change it to fit their communist agenda.

I would submit your supposition is probably more correct than not.

I saw some 3%ers out there and they are not Klansmen. They are patriots, most former .mil. 

There is no attempt whatsoever being made to educate anyone in America anymore. You don't even have to be able to read or write to graduate from high school any more. All you have to do is put in the time,and you get a diploma. What the schools are doing and were already doing when I first started school in the 1950's is indoctrinating children,NOT educating them.

Cannot disagree with a single syllable there.  Amen.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

Offline sneakypete

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Driver identified as Joel Vangheluwe - liberal.


Interesting. I just read a national media board about this,and everybody there is claiming the murderer,and that IS what he is,was a white racist.

BTW,once again,there is NOTHING "liberal" about the left,so we need to stop calling them the positive name they want to be identified with.
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Offline ABX

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And,other than the media,the college alleged "intellectual" airheads,and the BLM crowd,who we all know would never lie to us,WHO exactly identified all those white marchers as Kluxxers?

They certainly didn't identify THEMSELVES as being Kluxxers or Nazi's.


« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 04:12:21 am by AbaraXas »

Offline sneakypete

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The progressive left and their allies the NeverTrumpers have been pushing for a war, maybe they will get what they want, WAR


Even if they weren't consciously pushing for a war,and they are for the most part unconscious,that is what they are going to get if they keep pushing.
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Offline sneakypete

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   That is possibly the stupidest thing I've ever seen you type @jpsb   
   To insinuate that NT'ers here are aligned with the 'progressive left' in any manner, war or no war, just because we didn't vote for 'your' guy, is just absurd, but carry on.

@corbe @jpsb

Useful fools,useful tools.
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Offline Mom MD

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I would submit your supposition is probably more correct than not.

I saw some 3%ers out there and they are not Klansmen. They are patriots, most former .mil. 

Most conservatives and patriots would agree with the protest and want to preserve our history.  But it is not appropriate to do it at an event sponsored/permitted by the Klan.  We need to hold our own event and make every effort to exclude the alt right crowd.  I know they are not right wing, but we have lost the war of words over what they are called.  We need to be sure we denounce them as swiftly and thoroughly as we do BLM, not attend events with them.
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Offline edpc

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The problem here is that these alt right neonazis ARE Trump supporters.

A good deal of the ones looking like extras from American History X are separatists and don't want anything to do with those in 'gubmint.'
I disagree.  Circle gets the square.

Offline TomSea

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I'm not sure if it is every Thursday morning, 2 Thursday mornings, Richard Spencer was on Jesse Lee Peterson's show; Spencer was indeed articulate and didn't say anything ugly. I think he was there today in Va.  Someone can't be marching with people who look like the above in Abaraxas' post.  If someone is not saying anything overly offensive or objectionable, I suppose one can listen to them.  It make me think of what Larry Elder would do. I'm not sure if Peterson caught any flack for that. I'm pretty indifferent, not knowing a lot about Spencer.

Offline sneakypete

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BREAKING - Charlottesville, VA helicopter crash with likely fatalities. Local fire official and Media advising crash is a Virginia State Police Helicopter- VFN102
Virginia Fire Network
20 mins ·

Charlottesville, VA: *AIRCRAFT DOWN* 43 Old Farm Rd. Helicopter down & fully involved. One or two souls possibly still aboard (VFN102)


And the news reports that it was shot down by Neo-Nazi Kluxxers in a Camaro with a painting of Trump on the hood will start in 5....4.....3.....2.....1.
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Online Hoodat

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Trump is nothing but a minor player. The core reason they did this is it gave them yet one more excuse to label ALL whites who don't suck up to the left as racist neo-Nazi's.

And shockingly to me,even most of the people here seem to be buying into it.

Conspicuously absent from your most recent version of events is the protestor who defends  Lee's legacy while at the same time condemns the white supremacists who have stolen the valor of the Confederate battle flag by turning it into a symbol of racism while hiding their faces like a bunch of cowards.

To hell with these racist scumbags on both sides.  We could have saved Lee's legacy.  But after today, there is no way possible of doing so, because the Lee name is now associated in blood with these schmucks.

Yet all you care about is propping up Trump.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-