Author Topic: Even Illegal Immigration Supporters Hate Chicago Lawsuit Against Sessions  (Read 381 times)

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Even Illegal Immigration Supporters Hate Chicago Lawsuit Against Sessions

Posted By Anders Hagstrom On 11:02 AM 08/10/2017 In | No Comments

Immigrant rights groups slammed Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s lawsuit against Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday, calling it a political cash-grab to uplift his image as an immigration supporter without actually affecting change.

Emanuel, a Democrat, filed the lawsuit against Sessions and the Department of Justice (DOJ) Monday, claiming Sessions’ policy of withholding law enforcement grant funds from “sanctuary cities” was unconstitutional. The Chicago Immigration Working Group (CIWG), an illegal immigrant rights group, slammed the litigation, claiming it doesn’t do anything for immigrants and serves only as a distraction.

Article printed fromThe Daily Caller:

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