Author Topic: Iranian drone forces US jet to take evasive action, US officials call encounter “unprofessional”  (Read 241 times)

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Iranian drone forces US jet to take evasive action, US officials call encounter “unprofessional”

August 8, 2017 2:34 pm By Robert Spencer 23 Comments

“The officials said the drone encounter was considered ‘unsafe and unprofessional.'” How the weakness and pusillanimity of American leadership, and all its impotent schoolmarmish tut-tutting, must amuse the Iranians. “Hitler reoccupies Rhineland — French say it’s ‘unsafe and unprofessional.’”

It’s not “unprofessional.” It’s a deliberate and calculated provocation. Cowardice in the face of an aggressive bully only emboldens the bully and encourages him to do more bullying. That is where we are with Iran today: once again, it is showing the U.S. who’s boss, and seeing how far it can push the Trump administration. How far can it push the Trump administration?